I am seeking professional forensic nursing services to assist with an ongoing custody battle. The core of this project involves an in-depth investigation of nurse documentation to assess its potential subjectivity and implications on the case. Your expe...analysis of the relevant nursing documentation...
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John's, Newfoundland; served 268 meals at food banks across the region; and held a musical jam session for residents of the Pine Groves nursing home in Fredericton, New Brunswick • Bakersfield, California: We hosted an ice cream social—involving an array of entertainment such as games and...
The realization is fast dawning on the people across the West that the terrorists don’t wear odd clothes, carry Ak-47s and speak in foreign tongues. They are the ones telling you to let Grandma die of loneliness in a nursing home, forbidding you from buying a Turkey for Christmas that ...
Personal care assistant = Professional trained to assist in daily self-care (e.g. washing, eating, dressing); Aged care physician = Geriatric specialist within the nursing home; Clinical geriatrician = Geriatric specialist within the hospital; General practitioner assistant (POH) =...
It occurs through the combining of knowledge among different types of: cars (crossover from saloon to SUV in a single vehicle type), mobile phones/computers (smartphones), electric vehicles (smartphones/computers/media), health care (nursing/robotics) and so on. In this contribution, we will...