dns: Sets the IP address for each DNS server. You can set up to four DNS servers. NTP_SERVER: Sets the IP address for your NTP server. Unless otherwise specified, it’s the IP address of your domain controller. WORKGROUP: Sets the workgroup name to the NetBIOS name (case...
The endpoints of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. string No The endpoint of the NTP server. ntp.cloud.aliyuncs.com AcrRegistryInfo array No The information about the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance that provides the image for the creation of the elastic container instance. ...
NtpServer array 否 NTP 服务器。 string 否 NTP 服务器。 ntp.cloud.aliyuncs.com AcrRegistryInfo array 否 ACR 企业版实例信息列表。更多信息,请参见免密拉取 ACR 镜像。 object 否 ACR 企业版实例信息列表。 Domain array 否 ACR 企业版实例的域名。默认为相应实例的所有域名。支持指定个别域名,多个以半角...
- `NTP_SERVER`: Sets the IP address for your NTP server. Unless otherwise specified, it's the IP address of your domain controller. - `WORKGROUP`: Sets the workgroup name to the NetBIOS name (case-sensitive) that you configured in AD. Otherwise, MCS uses the p...
The endpoints of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. string No The endpoint of the NTP server. ntp.cloud.aliyuncs.com AcrRegistryInfo array No The information about the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance that provides the image for the creation of the elastic container instance. ...
NetworkManager" # System timezone timezone Etc/UTC --isUtc --ntpservers 0.rhel.pool.ntp.org,1.rhel.pool.ntp.org,2.rhel.pool.ntp.org,3.rhel.pool.ntp.org # Partition clearing information clearpart --all --initlabel # Clear the MBR zerombr # Disk partitioning information part /boot --...
在 Ubuntu Linux 1上安装 ROS 2 - Open Robotics 官方文档 步骤: 下载Ubuntu® Server 20.04 64 位1并写入 microSD 卡。 在系统引导分区中,编辑 usercfg.txt 并添加dtoverlay=dwc2,dr_mode=peripheral 在系统引导分区中,编辑 cmdline.txt 以modules-load=dwc2,g_ether添加rootwait. 为方便起...
DOMAIN-SUFFIX,ntp.org DOMAIN-SUFFIX,nvidia.com DOMAIN-SUFFIX,oracle.com DOMAIN-SUFFIX,plex.tv DOMAIN-SUFFIX,qidian.com DOMAIN-SUFFIX,qweather.com DOMAIN-SUFFIX,qyer.com DOMAIN-SUFFIX,qyerstatic.com DOMAIN-SUFFIX,raychase.net DOMAIN-SUFFIX,ronghub.com DOMAIN-SUFFIX,ruguoapp.com DOMAIN-SUFFIX,sa...
If your Linux BCC enables the NTP service, it is recommended that you add the Baidu NTP server address to your BCC configuration. Edit the file /etc/ntp.conf, and then add a line at the end of the file as follows: server ntpsr.baidubce.com Edit the file /etc/ntp/step-tickers (...
Stage 2 installs some optimized memory functions, sets timezone and charmap defaults, installs fake-hwclock and ntp, wireless LAN and bluetooth support, dphys-swapfile, and other basics for managing the hardware. It also creates necessary groups and gives the pi user access to sudo and the ...