Why do I need my own package? What is an NPM package? Creating a package: step-by-step Creating a package: package.json Creating a package: npm API Creating a package: dist-tags How to improve your package Adding complexity Development Testing Bundling Documentation Tools Angular commit ...
Create a new SDK. Latest version: 12.0.4, last published: 4 hours ago. Start using @ama-sdk/create in your project by running `npm i @ama-sdk/create`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @ama-sdk/create.
angular-schema-form Create complex forms from a JSON schema with angular. angular angularjs form json json-schema json-schema-form ui-schema schema textalk •0.8.13•9 years ago•16dependents•MITpublished version0.8.13,9 years ago16dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
* 使用数组的map() 方法 和 箭头函数 * */constnames = ['jQuery','zepto','angular','react','vue']// 1、创建虚拟DOM// li 标签一定要带 key属性,而且还不能一样 否则警告constul = ({names.map(name=> <likey={name}>{name})}) //2、渲染虚拟DOM ReactDOM.render(ul,document.getElementBy...
Creating NPM modules Node.js has the ability to create custom modules and allows you to include those custom modules in your Node.js application. Node.js能够创建自定义模块,并允许您将这些自定义模块包括在Node.js应用程序中 Let's look at a simple example of how we can create our own module ...
create-react-app(创建react应用),它是一个通过npm发布的安装包,也是一个命令,在安装好nodejs后,在命令终端下执行npm或者cnpm命令,全局安装create-react-app这个脚手架工具 代码语言:txt 复制 D:\公开课\2019 npm install --global create-react-app
const names = ['jQuery', 'zepto', 'angular', 'react', 'vue'] // 1、创建虚拟DOM // li 标签一定要带 key属性,而且还不能一样 否则警告 const ul = ( {names.map(name=> {name})} ) // 2、渲染虚拟DOM ReactDOM.render(ul, document.getElement...
Building a library is as simple as creating a regular Angular project. Once done, you can publish it as an npm package. Popular angular library examples include ReactiveFormsModule for building reactive forms, the service worker library for creating Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and the ever-popu...
第一个目录里面是项目的依赖包,第二个文件是管理你本地安装的npm包。打开package.json文件可以看到我们安装了gulp并展示了它的版本号。 package.json是基于nodejs项目必不可少的配置文件,它是存放在项目根目录的普通json文件。在之前是用cnpm init去配置它。
Node.js with the npm package manager and the npx package. You can check your Node.js installation with thenode -vcommand. The command output should show the installed version of Node.js, such asv23.4.0. For more information, seeDownloading and installing Node.js and npm. ...