npm i -g node-project-create-script To create a new Node.js project, run the following command: create-node-project<project-name> The project includes the following npm scripts: dev: Start the server in development mode. prod: Start the server in production mode. ...
npm i commander -S 我们在bin/cli.js添加如下代码 #!/usr/bin/env node+const program = require('commander')console.log("i'm a cli") // 打印参数 console.log(process.argv)+program+.command('create <projectName>')+.description('create a new project')+.alias('c')+.option('-u, --umi...
Use dependencies from the npm registry to develop Node.js applications faster. Learn how to manage dependencies for your project. This module uses JavaScript CommonJS in the Node.js runtime. Learning objectives After you complete this module, you'll be able to: ...
Create a project Add npm packages Add project files Show 7 more With Visual Studio, you can easily create a Node.js project and use IntelliSense and other built-in features that support Node.js. In this tutorial, you create a Node.js web app project from a Visual Studio template....
Creating NPM modules Node.js has the ability to create custom modules and allows you to include those custom modules in your Node.js application. Node.js能够创建自定义模块,并允许您将这些自定义模块包括在Node.js应用程序中 Let's look at a simple example of how we can create our own module ...
create a nodejs npm package 1. create a folder named m1 2. run command: npm init, this will create the package.json file 3. create a lib folder using command: mkdir lib 4. create index.js using : touch index.js 5. run command : vim index.js , writing following content into it...
这里会将vite@latest通过npm(npm-package-arg)进行解析,得到开发者名称user和 项目名称project,并将其进行修改得到新的包名:vitejs/create-vite,然后调用libexec进行安装和执行。 libexec与npm/cli同一仓库,入口文件位于index.js,由于代码太多,就省略这部分的内容 ... 创建最基本的node项目 1.全局安装express npm install -g express 2.全局安装express-generator npm install -g express-generator (输入express --help 测试是否安装成功) 3.进入到工程父目录 ...
I tried to create a project through the template but in the express-generator version the are no choices. It simply reads "Unavailable" and at the bottom of the window "Please specify yarn or npm package" Now what i have done is go into the settings -> node and npm and ...
node dist/index.mjs 查看结果。 发布npm包 先查看一下npm的registry看看是不是官方源 npm config get registry 如果不是就改一下 npm config set registry 登录npm npm login 打包项目(这里一定要打包,用开发环境发上去的包会有问题,踩过坑!) pnpm ...