>NX Generating @nrwl/workspace/generators.json:new CREATE nx-demo/README.md CREATE nx-demo/.editorconfig CREATE nx-demo/.gitignore CREATE nx-demo/.prettierignore CREATE nx-demo/.vscode/extensions.json CREATE nx-demo/angular.json CREATE nx-demo/nx.json CREATE nx-demo/package.json CREATE nx-de...
In the Azure window, on the Workspace section toolbar, from the Azure Logic Apps menu, select Deploy to logic app. If prompted, select the Azure subscription to use for your logic app deployment. From the list that Visual Studio Code opens, select from these options: Create new Logic App...
Type: Bug Undefined access when previewing a createfile edit. Run this code in a workspace command: const edit = new vscode.WorkspaceEdit() // unique new file name const fn = vscode.Uri.joinPath(vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders![0].uri,...
In the Azure window, on the Workspace section toolbar, from the Azure Logic Apps menu, select Deploy to Logic App. If prompted, select the Azure subscription to use for your logic app deployment. From the list that Visual Studio Code opens, select from these options: Create new Logic App...
Then add the block below to yourlaunch.jsonfile and put it inside the.vscodefolder in your app’s root directory. {"version":"0.2.0","configurations":[{"name":"Chrome","type":"chrome","request":"launch","url":"http://localhost:3000","webRoot":"${workspaceRoot}/src","sourceMapPath...
├── pnpm-workspace.yaml ├── README.md ├── renovate.json ├── scripts | ├── build.mjs | ├── prepublish.mjs | ├── snapshot.mjs | └── test.mjs ├── template | ├── base | ├── code | ├── config ...
{"version":"0.2.1","outDir":"\"${workspaceRoot}\\bin\"","tasks": [ {"taskName":"makefile-build","appliesTo":"makefile","type":"launch","contextType":"build","command":"nmake","args": ["build"],"envVars": {"VSCMD_START_DIR":"\"${workspaceRoot}\""} }, {"taskName"...
WorkspaceTemplate WrappedException XamlBuildControllerReference XamlBuildDefinition XamlBuildReference XamlBuildServerReference XamlDefinitionReference YamlBuild YamlFileDetails YamlFileSource YamlFileSourceTypes YamlPipelineProcess YamlPipelineProcessResources YamlProcess YamlSourceReference azure-devops-extension-sdk 下载...
if(!vscode.workspace){returnvscode.window.showErrorMessage('Please open a project folder first');}constfolderPath=vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders[0].uri.toString().split(':')[1]; Copy We will also need to store our boilerplate HTML code into a variable so that we can write that to a ...
const projectName = await vscode.window.showInputBox({ prompt: 'Enter a name for the new project', validateInput: (value: string): string => { if (!value.length) { return 'A project name is required'; } return ''; } }); let workspace = ''; const folderUris = await vscode....