Scroll down until you reach the Geoprocessing history section. This data source represents a selection made from an original shapefile containing all counties in the state of Mississippi. The fact that the data was originally sourced from a shapefile is a good indicator of possible limitations. Shap...
This option creates a BDS layer using point based data such as point of sales data stored in a point shapefile. This option will spatially join your data in the selected point layer to the base geography layer selected in the previous step. This is recommended only for data that you can ...
I am trying to figure out how to create a buffer around selected points and add them to an new shapefile. My idea is to have a loop that loops through the selected points and perform a buffer and then adds them to a new shapefile and saves it. So here is my code to create...
詳細については、「ArcMap から ArcGIS Pro への移行」をご参照ください。Workflow Manager のライセンスで利用可能。 概要 使用法 構文 コードのサンプル 環境 ライセンス情報 概要 You can create one or more jobs of the selected job type and assign the jobs to a user or a user group. ...
Is this an item that ESRI will look into fixing to make templates more useful in Pro? by TrippCorbin 10-23-2019 11:44 AM It is not limited to raster data. It happens with vector data stored as a Shapefile or File Geodatabase as well if it is accessed using a ma...
Launch ArcMap, and add the point feature class or shapefile to the map. Create boundaries around points at a specified distance. Navigate toArcToolbox>Analysis Tools>Proximity>Buffer, or navigate toGeoprocessing>Buffer. In theBufferwindow, complete the fields. ClickOKto run the tool. ...
{thrownewException("创建临时结果文件失败"); }//IGeoProcessorResult result =null;foreach(varinputinthis.m_SelectedLayers) {varGP =newGeoprocessor();varpCreator =newESRI.ArcGIS.DataManagementTools.CreateFeatureclass();try{varshp = input.Obj.DataSourceType =="Shapefile 要素类"|| input.Obj.Data...
IWorkspaceFactory pWorkSpaceFac=newShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass(); IFeatureWorkspace pFeatureWorkSpace= pWorkSpaceFac.OpenFromFile(shpfolder,0)asIFeatureWorkspace;//创建字段集2IFeatureClassDescription fcDescription =newFeatureClassDescriptionClass();
For each polygon it will clip the dataset into a new separate shapefile. Limitations: This code expects the folder c:\temp\tc to exist, this is where the output ends up. As geoprocessing objects cannot be "pickled" the full path to the dataset is passed to the worker function. This ...
IWorkspaceFactory wsfShp = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass(); IWorkspace pws = wsfShp.OpenFromFile(@ "D:\YS\ShapeFiles\Street", 0); IFeatureWorkspace pfeatWs = (IFeatureWorkspace) pws; IFeatureClassDescription fcDescription = new FeatureClassDescriptionClass(); IObjectClassDescription ocDescr...