操作步骤 第一步:Create New Project 第二步:选择New Project React APP **第三步:选择Finish ** 第三步:开发工具配置npm启动 点击开始按钮,运行报错,信息如下: song@u:~/XXXX$ yarn start yarn start v0.27.5 $ react-scripts start module.js:471 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '../script...
This section describes controls. For step-by-step instructions on how to create a project, refer toCreate a new React application. Name Specify a name for your project. Location Specify the path to the directory in which you want to create the project. By default, the IDE creates a directo...
This section describes controls. For step-by-step instructions on how to create a project, refer toCreate a new React application. Name Specify a name for your project. Location Specify the path to the directory in which you want to create the project. By default, the IDE creates a directo...
console.log(process.argv)+program+.command('create <projectName>')+.description('create a new project')+.alias('c')+.option('-u, --umi', 'umi react template')+.option('-v, --vite', 'vite react template')+.option('-w, --webpack', 'webpack react template')+.action((projectNa...
You almost never need to updatecreate-react-appitself: it delegates all the setup toreact-scripts. When you runcreate-react-app, it always creates the project with the latest version ofreact-scriptsso you’ll get all the new features and improvements in newly created apps automatically. ...
Starting a new JavaScript project with React used to be a complicated process. But now, Create React App includes all the JavaScript packages you need to run…
Create React Project npm -v note -v mkdir projectfolder cd projectfolder npm init -y # generate package.json npm -i webpack --save-dev config in package.json such as "build": “webpack --mode production” npm i babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-env babel-preset-react --save-dev...
, "clsx": "^2.1.1", "lucide-react": "^0.395.0", "next": "14.2.4",...
场景 今天本来心情好好的 , 按照往常一样 , 我准备开始一个新的项目 , 兴高采烈的打开cmd , 输入npx create-react-app xxx-project ;...
首先,使用create-react-app创建一个项目,这里我们命名为my-project npx create-react-app my-project 进入项目目录,安装基本依赖 yarn add antd @craco/craco craco-less @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators babel-plugin-import -D 3、修改package.json中的scripts ...