1privateArray getArray(OracleConnection con, String OraObjType, String OraArrType, List<BlacklistVo>blacklistVoList)2throwsException {3Array list =null;4if(blacklistVoList !=null&& blacklistVoList.size() > 0) {5//Oracle识别的集合对象,匹配java对象集合6Struct[] structs =newStruct[blacklistVoLis...
pulsar/managed-ledger/src/main/java/org/apache/bookkeeper/mledger/impl/ManagedCursorImpl.java Lines 2038 to 2070 in fc2e314 protected void internalAsyncMarkDelete(final PositionImpl newPosition, Map<String, Long> properties, final MarkDeleteCallback callback, final Object ctx) { ledger.m...
toArray(); int numNew = a.length; // 如有必要就扩容 ensureCapacityInternal(size + numNew); // 将新数组拼接到原数组的尾部 System.arraycopy(a, 0, elementData, size, numNew); size += numNew; return numNew != 0; } public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) { ...
startPartitionId: Int): Map[Int, Seq[Int]] = { val ret = mutable.Map[Int, Seq[Int]]() val brokerArray = brokerList.toArray val startIndex = if (fixedStartIndex >= 0) fixedStartIndex else rand.nextInt(brokerArray.length) //note: 随机选择一个Broker var currentPartitionId = math.ma...
In Sleuth, the implemented executors produced a new span for each submitted task. In the case of parallel executions, each thread had a different span, so the MDC worked well in each thread. Using the following snippets, the existing spa...
1 java - Generic Return Type? 2 Getting an instance of a parameterized class in Java 3 new generic object problem 1 Generic array creation in java 0 Java allocation of objects within generic functions workaround? 1 How to instantiate by generic type? See more linked questions Related 7...
The request body should contain an elements array that contains each campaign you would like to create.When you bulk create ad campaigns, the header X-RestLi-Method must be included in the request and set to BATCH_CREATE.http curl HTTP Copy POST https://api.linkedin.com/rest/a...
(fieldValue.isArray()){fieldType="VARCHAR(255)";}elseif(fieldValue.isTextual()){fieldType="VARCHAR(255)";}elseif(fieldValue.isNumber()){fieldType="INT";}else{fieldType="VARCHAR(255)";}createTableSql.append(" ").append(fieldName).append(" ").append(fieldType).append(",\n");}...
otdDB2_1.getDB_EMPLOYEE().setRATE( new java.math.BigDecimal( otdInputDTD_DB_employee_1.getX_sequence_A( i1 ).getRate() ) ); otdDB2_1.getDB_EMPLOYEE().setLAST_UPDATE( java.sql.Date.valueOf( otdInputDTD_DB_employee_1.getX_sequence_A( i1 ).getLastDate() ) ); ...
[Android.Runtime.Register("createInterfaceArray","(Ljava/util/function/IntFunction;Ljava/util/function/Function;)[Landroid/os/IInterface;","", ApiSince=33)] [Java.Interop.JavaTypeParameters(new System.String[] {"T extends android.os.IInterface"})]publicJava.Lang.Object[]? CreateInterfaceArray...