SQL CREATECLUSTERED COLUMNSTOREINDEXcciONSales.OrderLinesWITH(ONLINE=ON); ON 选项 使用这些选项,你可为数据存储指定选项,例如分区方案、特定的文件组或默认文件组。 如果未指定 ON 选项,索引会使用现有表的分区设置或文件组设置。 partition_scheme_name ( column_name ) 指定表的分区方案。 分区方案必须已在数据...
You can use aggregation or pivot
最容易的实现方法是使用SQL事务管理器中的Manager Tables窗口。你也可以使用SQL语句ALTER TABLE。下面是一个如何使用这种语句的例子: ALTER TABLE mytable ADD mynewcolumn INT NULL 这个语句向表mytable中增加了一个新字段mynewcolumn。当你增加新字段时,你必须允许它接受空值,因为表中原来可能已经有了许多记录。 向...
database.CreateColumn(false,"CharID", playerData.CharID), database.CreateColumn(false,"MissionExp", playerData.MissionExp.ToString()), database.CreateColumn(false,"LastGenTime", playerData.LastGenTime.ToString()), database.CreateColumn(false,"Completions", playerData.MissionCompletions.ToString())...
In this area, create new, edit, or delete rows, create new columns, change the table ownership type, and edit table properties. Show more or less column. You can select and clear the columns to be displayed in the table card. Also displays or hides the relationship for lookup columns ...
to convert from kb to MB in this case you need to divide by 1024.
syntaxsql 複製 CREATE TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } [ AS FileTable ] ( { <column_definition> | <computed_column_definition> | <column_set_definition> | [ ] [ ,... n ] | [ ] } [ ,... n ] [ PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIM...
Applies to: SQL Server 2012 (11.x) and later. Creates the new table as a FileTable. You don't specify columns because a FileTable has a fixed schema. For more information, see FileTables. column_name AS computed_column_expression An expression that defines the value of a computed column...
用交互式工具创建表实际也是用的sql语句,只不过是工具自动生成的而已。 创建表:create table 示例1 create table NewProducts ( prod_id char(10) not null, vend_id char(10) not null, prod_name char(254) not null, prod_price decimal(8, 2) not null, ...
使用BULK INSERT或OPENROWSET通过 SQL Server 或 SQL 数据库进行批量加载操作 另请参阅CREATE EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE和DROP EXTERNAL TABLE。 语法 syntaxsql -- Create a new external tableCREATEEXTERNALTABLE{database_name.schema_name.table_name|schema_name.table_name|table_name} (<column_definition>[ ,.....