Or you could create your own cloud-like service. Here are two simple ways to do it using your home’s wireless router: 1. Connect a USB storage drive to your router First, check to see if you if your router has USB ports. If so, you can connect a USB external storage drive to it...
OwnCloud Communityhas recently released their special releaseownCloud 10. They have come up with incredible changes in terms ofquality,performance,andinnovationsto provide an excellent cloud experience with “ownCloud“. If you are already working with its older version, you’ll definitely experience ...
机译:基于ownCloud部署和扩展本地云存储 5. Achieving Secure and Efficient Access Control of Personal Health Records in a Storage Cloud [D] . Binbusayyis, Adel. 2017 机译:在存储云中实现对个人健康记录的安全,高效的访问控制 6. Atlas2 Cloud: a framework for personal genome analysis in ...
fastcgi_param PHP_ADMIN_VALUE “open_basedir=$document_root/:/tmp/:/proc/:/data/owncloud/”; 2.配置php.ini vim /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini 找到open_basedir所在行,修改或添加成以下代码: [] open_basedir=/home/wwwroot/owncloud/:/proc/:/tmp/ 同样,对于将owncloud数据文件保...
1.安装owncloud出现如下报错 Error while trying to create admin user: An exception occurred while executing ‘INSERT INTO oc_migrations (app,version) SELECT ?,? FROM oc_migrations WHERE app = ? AND version = ? HAVING COUNT(*) = 0’ with params [“core”, “13000Date20170705121758”...
安装owncloud时发生以下报错: Can'tcreateorwriteintothedatadirectory/data/owncloud 请确保文件根目录下包含一个名为“.ocdata”的文件 Datadirectory***notwritablebyowncloud 如下图: 问题分析 检查phperrorlog,发现存在以下错误日志 Message:is_dir():open_basedirrestrictionineffect.File(/mnt/web_site_log/.aa...
Get an iCloud Email Address . From the Email Address screen, enter your preferred email then tap Continue . The email address entered becomes the Apple ID. Tap Create Email Address to confirm. Enter the password into the required fields then tap ...
安装owncloud出现:Error while trying to create admin user: An exception occurred while executing 1.安装owncloud出现如下报错 2.解决方法 原因:Mysql不能存储二进制数据
Next clone the yml file from my github repo. It is literally just a copy and paste of the script from the official documentation on next cloud's docker pageherewith just slight modification. Open up your terminal, CMD, Linux command line, MacOS terminal or whatever. command should be the ...