“All the best car manufacturers compete over their engines, but when electric cars came out, theydidn’teven need an engine to run,” said founder and Chief ExecutiveJesse Lyu.“We shouldn’t carry the burden of previous operating systems into the current systems.A developer ecosystem is cruc...
bike powered blender. Since appliances account for over 20% of your electric bill, this is one less energy consuming machine in your house. And making a fruit smoothie is twice as good for you as before; both in nutritional value, and also in the exercise you get. It isn't an incredibl...
Flux, a 25 person, 2 year old company, the first — and so far only — startup to spin off of the semi-secret Google[x] research moonshot lab and incubator at Google dedicated to projects such as the driverless car and Google glass, has set out to automate the AEC industry. It’s ...
Research on Method of Acquiring Individual Demand Based on Kano Mod- el[J]. Soft Science, 2012, 26(2): 127-131. [7] 范川. 从 KANO 模型曲线看手机产品设计的发展[J]. 包装工程, 2010, 31(14): 103-106. FAN Chuan. Development of Mobile Design by the Curve of KANO[J]. Packaging ...