Martin Fitzpatrickis a Python programmer, author and tutor. He's been developingPython/Qt apps for 10 years. Starting out building desktop applications to make data-analysis tools more user-friendly, Python was the obvious choice. Starting with Tk, later moving to wxWidgets and finally adoptingPy...
Martin Fitzpatrickis a Python programmer, author and tutor. He's been developingPython/Qt apps for 10 years. Starting out building desktop applications to make data-analysis tools more user-friendly, Python was the obvious choice. Starting with Tk, later moving to wxWidgets and finally adoptingPy...
C#JavaNode.jsPython In this unit, you use the Azure portal to create a web app. Create a web app Sign in to theAzure portalusing the same account you used to activate the sandbox. On the Azure portal menu or from theHomepage, selectCreate a resource. Every...
C# Java Node.js Python It's time to programmatically check out how to create our Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB databases, collections, and add some data.This exercise can be completed using a Microsoft Learn sandbox, which provides a temporary Azure subsc...
Set up Firestore to add or read data by using the C#, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, or Ruby server client library.
There comes a point in any app's development where it needs to leave home — half the fun in writing software is being able toshare it with other people. Packaging Python GUI apps can be a little tricky, but these guides will walk you through the process step by step. ...
That’s all for now, it’s not a complete application, but I just wanted to show you how to link things together usingPyGObject, you can view all methods for allGTKwidgets atgtkobjects. Just learn the methods, create the widgets usingGlade, and connect the signals using the Python file,...
Data Sidekick includes a collection 10+ data apps that automate common data-related tasks, including Python script creation. Sidekick works by combining context from your data warehouse with the power of AI to… Understand the structure of the data that is required for the analysis, Import the...
Alternatively, are there any popular mobile apps that you like but think could be improved? If so, why don’t you release an app with the improvement? Thefounders of Instagramreleased the app in part because they loved the filters of Instamatic but thought it would be better if it was eas...
nidium is an ongoing effort for a general purpose rendering engine to create apps and games that run on both desktop and mobile. It also offers a way to create server-side applications throughnidium-serverwhich shares all the non graphics related code base. ...