A Minecraft plugin which allows you to create mod-like models for your mobs. - Ticxo/Model-Engine-Wiki
Check out ouradvanced tutorialsand come play on ourfree server. You may know that Minecraft is an excellent creative tool, but perhaps less well known are the fascinating array of redstone powered games that have been made by players like you. Multiplayer games likeSpleefare fun, but even mor...
This wikiHow teaches you how to create a new Minecraft account. As of early 2021, signing up for an official Minecraft account means you'll need to create a Microsoft (Xbox) account. Once you sign up for a free Microsoft account, you can...
Many role-playing games, including World of Warcraft, Minecraft, and No Man's Sky, allow you to build or modify virtual worlds within the game. There are many virtual world-building platforms for people of all ages, but kids should generally stay on kid-focused platforms like Habbo, Roblox...