Step 1: Click “settings” from the start menu, and then choose “Family & other people”. Step 2: Click “Add a family member”, don’t forget to log in with your Microsoft account, or you can’t find the option here. Step 3: On the next screen, click “Add a child”. If yo...
Більшерозмірів Створюйтедописидля іншихпрограмтасайтів соціальнихмереж.
Keep them entertained with children's activity templates Whether you’re a teacher looking for classroom activities or a parent trying to amuse your child on a long road trip, these templates can help. There are dozens of kids’ activity templates available. Explore coloring book templates, puzzle...
Log in using one of theSSO providerswe support - Google, Apple, Microsoft, or Clever. Once you clickContinue with Google/Microsoft/Apple/Cleveryou will be taken to a page where you can log in to the account you have with the specific provider. 💡 At this step, you can also opt-in ...
3. By default, Windows 8 asks you to enter the user's email address to log in as a Live Microsoft user, however, if you do not wish to create a live user, click on the last option - 'Sign in without a Microsoft account'.
Having a connected Microsoft Account /// 2. Having a Windows PIN set up for that account on the local machine /// public static async Task<bool> WindowsHelloAvailableCheckAsync() { bool keyCredentialAvailable = await KeyCredentialManager.IsSupportedAsync(); if (keyCredentialAvailable == false...
publicoverridevoidAcceptChildren(TSqlFragmentVisitor visitor) 参数 visitor 类型:Microsoft.Data.Schema.ScriptDom.Sql.TSqlFragmentVisitor 访问者 .NET Framework 安全性 对直接调用方的完全信任。此成员不能由部分信任的代码使用。有关更多信息,请参见通过部分受信任的代码使用库。
IDebugHostType2::EnumerateChildren 方法 IDebugHostType2::GetArrayDimensionality 方法 IDebugHostType2::GetArrayDimensions 方法 IDebugHostType2::GetBaseType 方法 IDebugHostType2::GetBitField 方法 IDebugHostType2::GetContainingModule 方法 IDebugHostType2::GetContext 方法 ...
I have a Windows 11 Pro OS with a single local admin account. When I try to add a new user with a Microsoft account using the...
If you add columns for account number, project number, and project manager to the purchase order content type, users are prompted to provide this metadata for items of this content type. There are several ways you can change columns for a content type. You can: Add a column...