and may create one view, all in the schema of the materialized view. Oracle Database uses these objects to maintain the materialized view data. You must have the privileges necessary to create these objects.
Oracle中的物化视图(Materialized View)是一种特殊的视图,它存储了查询结果的数据,而不是像普通视图那样仅存储查询的定义。物化视图允许用户对大型数据集进行预先计算和存储,从而提高了查询性能,尤其是在需要频繁访问相同数据集的情况下。 创建物化视图的基本语法 创建物化视图的基本语法如下: sql CREATE MATERIALIZED VIE...
普通租户(Oracle 模式) SQL 语句 DDL CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW 更新时间:2025-01-17 14:56:41 编辑 描述 该语句用来创建物化视图。 物化视图是一种特殊类型的数据库对象,它存储查询结果的副本,并定期刷新(也可以手动刷新)以保持数据的最新状态。物化视图可以包含聚合,连接和子查询等操作,并且可以被索引和分区,以...
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW name [build_clause][create_mv_refresh] AS subquery 其中build_clause為: BUILD {IMMEDIATE | DEFERRED} 其中create_mv_refresh為: REFRESH [COMPLETE] [ON DEMAND] 說明 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW 定義查詢的視圖,每次在查詢中引用視圖時不更新該視圖。預設情況下,視圖在建立時填充;您可以...
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_newlines BUILD DEFERRED /*1、创建后不会立即执行query,不会立即刷新mv,而是等待下次refresh时才会执行query 2、如果不指定此参数,默认是build immediate,即立即执行query,立即刷新mv*/ USING NO INDEX /*1、不允许创建默认index。
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: Create Materialized View Results in ORA-955 But Drop Materialized View Does Not Succeed Either
CREATE/ALTER/DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON [schema.] tablename [ Physical_Attributes_Clause] [TABLESPACE tablespace] [STORAGE Storage_Clause] Creates a materialized view log, which is a … - Selection from Oracle SQL: the Es
Oracle Database does not enforce view constraints. For a full discussion of view constraints, including restrictions, please refer toconstraintin the documentation on constraints. See Also: "Creating a View with Constraints: Example" object_view_clause ...
Starting in Oracle Database 19c (19.7), you no longer have to compromise, as Oracle introduced parameterized views orSQL Table Macros. SQL table macros are expressions found in a FROM clause that acts as a polymorphic or parameterized view. Let’s look at how this can help us with the vi...
Creating an Oracle materialized view for a table containing an ST_Geometry attribute returns the following error: "ORA-30373: object data types are not supported in this context".