When we sum up hours by Priority, Power BI Desktop looks for every instance of the unique color values in the CompanyProject lookup table, looks for every instance of each of those values in the ProjectHours table, and then calculates a sum total for each unique value....
When we sum up hours by Priority, Power BI Desktop looks for every instance of the unique color values in the CompanyProject lookup table, looks for every instance of each of those values in the ProjectHours table, and then calculates a sum total for each unique value....
Microsoft Provides a platform for Power BI, so we can create different dashboards and reports from the different data sources. The Power BI desktop is free open source that we can freely install in our local system. Table of Contents Create a Power BI report from Excel using Power BI Deskt...
Hi there, I'm new to Power BI and seek for help to achieve the following outcome from these 2 tables. 1. Job table (Data source/lookup) Job TitleJob Element A1 JE1 A1 JE2 A1 JE3 A2 JE4 A2 JE5 2. Employee table Employee IDJob TitleJob Element 464 A1 JE2 565 A2 JE5 3. Out...
Learn how to create Named Ranges, the various useful IF formulas, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH, OFFSET, INDIRECT, SUMPRODUCT, TEXT formulas, nesting formulas, auditing your formulas and List formulas! Learn More Pivot Tables Build your must have Pivot Table skills and learn its various po...
Change Table Style in Excel (Change, Create & Remove) How to Create a Table with Subcategories in Excel – 2 Methods How to Create a Decision Table in Excel – 2 Steps How to Create Table from Multiple Sheets in Excel (4 Easy Ways) How to Create a Lookup Table in Excel (5 Easy Way...
Using the VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP functions to search for and retrieve specific data within your table Using data validation to ensure that data entered into your table meets specific criteria Using Excel’s “What-If Analysis” tools to explore how changes to your data will affect calculations or ou...
Configure lookup component Add a chart to a form Add a map on a form Edit the related tab on a form Design effective forms Embed a Power BI report on a form Embed a canvas app on a model-driven form Use controls for data entry and display visualizations Troubleshoot forms Use custom pa...
Data types of both the source column and lookup column must be compatible. For more information about data types, seeData types in Data Models. To learn more about table relationships, seeRelationships between tables in a Data Model. Top of Page...
Creating a lookup table in Powershell Creating a powerhsell script to check for .ost files and delete all .ost files if there is any detected Creating a remote local Admin Account Creating a vpn connection with credentials (username / password) Creating a Windows failover cluster Creating an ...