If your Atlas project contains a custom role that uses actions introduced in a specific MongoDB version, you must delete that role before creating clusters with an earlier MongoDB version. Atlas clusters created after July 2020 use TLS version 1.2 by default. When you create a cluster, Atlas ...
Click theConfigure Local Reads in All Zonesbutton in theZone configuration summaryto automatically configure every zone in the cluster for local reads. (Not) Available during partial region outage Indicates whether the zone supports high availability, such that a majority of electable nodes remain hea...
1、添加一个 userAdminAnyDatabase 用户,这是一个能够管理所有用户的的用户, 类似于超级管理员吧 #打开mongo shell [root@localhost]# mongo #添加超级管理账号 > use admin #进入admin表 > db.createUser( { user:"myadmin", pwd:"secret", roles:[{role:"root",db:"admin"}] } ) # 查看用户是否创...
By the end of this guide, you should be able to implement your own MongoDB sharding configuration. The specific configuration of your servers and the shard key that you choose for each collection will have a big impact on the performance of your cluster. Choose the field or f...
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.core.ResolvableType.forInstance 错误解决 ...
Cloud Hosting Cluster APIs ConfigureChcAssistVpc ConfigureChcDeployVpc DescribeChcDeniedActions ModifyChcAttribute RemoveChcAssistVpc RemoveChcDeployVpc DescribeChcHosts Image APIs DescribeImages DescribeImageSharePermission DescribeImportImageOs DescribeImageQuota ModifyImageSharePermission SyncImages ModifyImageAttribute...
acs:dds:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:dbinstance/{#dbinstanceId} none none Request parameters ParameterTypeRequiredDescriptionExample DBInstanceId string Yes The ID of the sharded cluster instance. dds-bp11501cd7b5*** NodeClass string Yes The instance type of the shard or mongos node. For more in...
mongodb 18:50:28.78 INFO ==> Configuring MongoDB primary node...: mongo-test-mongodb-configsvr-0.mongo-test-mongodb-headless.mongo-test.svc.cluster.local MongoServerError: Authentication failed. Additional information This chart works perfectly fine using HostPath volumes. I haven't been able to...
Valid values: mongodb dynamodb mongodb Mongos array Yes The mongos nodes of the instance. object Yes The information about the array object. Class string Yes The instance type of the mongos node. For more information, see Sharded cluster instance types. Note N specifies the serial number...
ClusterResourceInner CommandOutputInner DataCenterResourceInner DatabaseAccountCreateUpdateProperties DatabaseAccountGetProperties DatabaseAccountGetResultsInner DatabaseAccountListConnectionStringsResultInner DatabaseAccountListKeysResultInner DatabaseAccountListReadOnlyKeysResultInner Da...