Description of the illustration local_partitioned_index.gif (on_range_partitioned_table::=,on_list_partitioned_table::=,on_hash_partitioned_table::=,on_comp_partitioned_table::=) on_range_partitioned_table::= Description of the illustration on_range_partitioned_table.gif (segment_attributes_...
Create a partitioned table on multiple filegroups with Transact-SQL Partition a table with SSMS Show 3 more Applies to:SQL ServerAzure SQL DatabaseAzure SQL Managed Instance You can create apartitioned table or indexin SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Managed Instance by ...
create_index_statement ::=CREATEINDEX [IFNOTEXISTS] [ index_identifier ] [USINGindex_method_definition ]ONtable_identifier'('index_key_expression')'[ INCLUDE include_expression] [PARTITIONBYpartition_definition ] [ { ASYNC|SYNC} ] [WITH'('index_options')'] index_method_definition ::={ KV|...
SAP ASE supports local clustered indexes and local nonclustered indexes on all types of partitioned tables. A local index inherits the partition types, partitioning columns, and partition bounds of the base table. For range-, hash-, and list-partitioned tables, SAP ASE always creates local cl...
ONtable-name Identifies the table on which the index is to be created. Thetable-namemust identify a base table (not a view) that exists at the current server. If the table is a partitioned table, an alias may be specified which identifies a single partition. The created index will then...
To create an XMLType table in a different database schema from your own, you must have not only privilege CREATE ANY TABLE but also privilege CREATE ANY INDEX. This is because a unique index is created on column OBJECT_ID when you create the table. Column OBJECT_ID stores a system-genera...
Indexed views can be created on a partitioned table, and can themselves be partitioned. All indexes on a view are dropped when the view is dropped. All nonclustered indexes and auto-created statistics on the view are dropped when the clustered index is dropped. User-created statistics on the...
Use the CREATE TABLE statement to create partitioned tables and replicated tables in AnalyticDB for MySQL,AnalyticDB:This topic describes how to create partitioned tables and replicated tables by using the CREATE TABLE statement in AnalyticDB for MySQL a
CREATE INDEX IDX ON T(SUBSTR(C,1,4)); index_attributes 支持反向索引 REVERSE 属性。示例如下: CREATE INDEX IDX ON T(C) REVERSE; 支持global_partitioned_index 子句定义 global 索引分区。global_partitioned_index 的语法如下: table_index_clause: [ schema. ] table [ t_alias ] (index_expr [ ...
CREATE[UNIQUE]INDEXindex_name ONtable_name(index_col_name,...)[index_type][index_options]index_type:USINGBTREEindex_options:index_option[index_option...]index_option:GLOBAL|LOCAL|COMMENT'string'|BLOCK_SIZE[=]size|STORING(column_name_list)|VISIBLE|INVISIBLEindex_col_name:colum...