Confirm the ArcGIS,PostgreSQL, and operating system combinations you want to use aresupported. Obtain anArcGIS Serverkeycodes file and place it in a location you can access from the ArcGIS client you'll use to create the geodatabase.
CREATE DATABASEname[ [ WITH ] [ OWNER [=]dbowner] [ LOCATION [=] 'dbpath' ] [ TEMPLATE [=]template] [ ENCODING [=]encoding] ] DESCRIPTION 描述 CREATE DATABASE创建一个新的 PostgreSQL 数据库。 要创建一个数据库,你必须是一个超级用户或者有特殊的 CREATEDB 权限。 参阅 CREATE USER [create_u...
DatabaseType string 是 数据库类型,取值如下: MySQL Oracle PostgreSQL SQLServer MySQL ActiveAddressType string 是 指定新创建数据库的地址类型。取值: Public:公网地址 Private:私网地址 Public DatabasePrivateAddress string 否 私网地址。支持 IPv4 地址和域名格式。 说明 ActiveAddressType 选择 Priva...
Administering file and personal geodatabases Administering geodatabases on database servers Geodatabases in Db2 Geodatabases in Informix Geodatabases in Oracle Geodatabases in PostgreSQL Geodatabases in SQL Server Geodatabases in Microsoft SQL Server Create a geodatabase in SQL Server Mana...
PostgreSQL installed and set up Administrator privileges Create a Database in PostgreSQL via pgAdmin To createa databaseusing pgAdmin, follow these steps: Step 1: Open pgAdmin and enter your password toconnect to the database server. Step 2: In the browser section, expand theServersand thenPostgr...
#First, run export OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY...# Get openAI api key by reading local .env filefromdotenvimportload_dotenv,find_dotenv _=load_dotenv(find_dotenv())openai.api_key=os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] Part 1: Create Embeddings for Your PostgreSQL Vector ...
("--DBMS", dest="Database_type", type="choice", choices=['SQLSERVER','ORACLE','POSTGRESQL',''], default="", help="Type of enterprise DBMS: SQLSERVER, ORACLE, or POSTGRESQL.") parser.add_option ("-i", dest="Instance", type="string", default="", help="DBMS instance name") ...
CREATEDATABASE创建一个新的 PostgreSQL 数据库。 要创建一个数据库,你必须是一个超级用户或者有特殊的 CREATEDB 权限。 参阅 CREATE USER [create_user(7)]。 通常,创建者成为新数据库的管理员。 超级用户可以用 OWNER 子句创建其它用户所有的数据库。 他们甚至可以创建没有特殊权限的用户所有的数据库。 有CREATED...
Step 1: Install and initialize PostgreSQL Use the PostgreSQL documentation to install PostgreSQL database instance to serve as the External Repository for Tableau Server. You may want to set up a PostgreSQL database cluster to meet any high availability requirements you may have. Install the con...
However, the indexes that are supported by Hologres differ from the indexes that are supported by PostgreSQL. For more information about the indexes supported by Hologres, see Configure properties for a table. If you configure appropriate indexes when you create a table, the data that you want ...