In this tutorial you will create a Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificate. Wildcard certificates are SSL certificates that can secure any number of subdomains wi…
This script helps you to create a Let's Encrypt certificate for your NetScaler - xenadmin/GenLeCertForNS
Let's EncryptDigitalOcean DropletsApacheWordPress Asked by joshAngler Hi I set up a wordpress site on a digital ocean one click install setup our website then changed the domain name over and when I installed certbot I incorrectly selected “don’t redirect all http traffic to https” thinking...
In this sample, cert-manager issues a certificate from Let's Encrypt used by the NGINX ingress controller for SSL termination. Deploys the NGINX ingress controller via Helm chart. The NGINX ingress controller is exposed via an internal load balancer with a private IP address in ...
Encrypt/Decrypt clipboard Use Hotkey/keyboard shortcut to open Password Tech Password manager It has more other useful features. But, you need to use it to get them all. How to create strong password using Password Tech This is very easy since the UI is uncluttered. First, download Password...
Create secret hidden virtual drives with Secret Disk The free version has some limitations, so before proceeding, let me tell you all of them. First, the maximum allowed space on the disk is 5GB. Second, you can’t create more than 1 disk, and lastly, you can’t choose the drive lette...
Let’s say you’re a keen chef and have a blog about cooking. When someone looks for a recipe on Google, SEO-friendly URLs are a great way to enhance your visibility in the SERPs. Here’s a good example from the author and trained chef Jenn Segal: If you’re searching Google for...
PowerISO is a disk image utility that can open, burn, create, edit, compress, encrypt, mount and extract ISO files
Automatically create and renew website certificates for free using the Let's Encrypt certificate authority. - opensz/docker-nginx-certbot
/opt is a common installation directory for third-party packages, so let’s install the clone to /opt/letsencrypt: sudo git clone /opt/letsencrypt Navigate to the new /opt/letsencrypt directory: cd /opt/letsencrypt Create an SSL Certificate Let...