如果场景图层包中的文件大小小于 1 GB,则可在 web 浏览器中直接将其上传至 ArcGIS Online 或 Portal for ArcGIS。如果大于 1 GB,请使用共享包工具将其直接上传至 ArcGIS Online 或 Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 或更高版本。
use as an overview layer. You must have elements of the building defined as exterior inRevit. This overview is the default layer you see when adding a building scene layer toArcGIS Pro. Anyfiltersthat are defined for the building layer are included when you create the building scene layer. ...
Use a color coded layer to quickly identify important patterns by viewing information about key metrics on a map. You can visually explore demographic information, consumer spending patterns, and information about business or other market conditions on the map. Tip: Data ranges and color schemes...
The spatial reference of the output feature class will be the same as the boundary layer. The output feature class is based on a polygon-to-polygon selection and computes a geometric intersection of the boundary layer. If the subgeography layer does not intersect the boundary laye...
4. ArcGIS Pro 中文(简体)语言包-指定路径为空(2) 5. ArcGIS超级工具1.6升级说明(2) 最新评论 1. Re:ArcGIS Python不支持多进程 参数这样设置后,可以多进程吗? --XW2021 2. Re:ArcGIS Pro二次开发获得符号库的符号 必须要是要加载到当前工程以后才能读取吗?可以直接去读取一个stylx文件内的样式? --...
("Foundation")# set gp environmentworkspace="c:/data"arcpy.env.workspace=workspacearcpy.addOutputsToMap=True# variables for tool parametersfilterFeatureClass="Austin.gdb/AOI"filterFeature="AOI Layer"filterWhere="MSNAME='Austin East'"selectType="NEW_SELECTION"checkoutDb="checkoutDb.gdb"# note: ...
(lyr.name))witharcpy.da.SearchCursor(lyr,['SHAPE@','TILE_NAME'])ascursor:forrowincursor:print('Name {0}'.format(row[1]))arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lyr,"NEW_SELECTION","TILE_NAME = '{}'".format(row[1]))#print("Selected Tile: {0}".format(row[1]))extent=r...
IFeatureLayer pFeaturelayer =newFeatureLayerClass(); pFeaturelayer.FeatureClass = pFeatClass; pFeaturelayer.Name = pFeatClass.AliasName; IPoint point =newPoint();for(inti =1; i < data_.Count; i++) { point.PutCoords(data_[i].getLngAsDouble(), data_[i].getLatgAsDouble()); ...
Collaboration participants must be using an ArcGIS Enterprise version of 10.9 or later. The collaboration workspace must be created at 10.9 or later to enable two-way sharing of feature service edits to eligible participants. For more information on workspace and feature layer requirements, see Share...