In theAdd Expressionwindow, create theexpression, and clickADD. Name the result layer, select a destination to save the layer, and clickRUN ANALYSIS. The following sample output shows the new feature layer titled ‘Best Murals Nearest to Schools’ created in ArcGIS Online Map Viewer based on t...
The Make Route tool creates a route from selected line features. You can specify the start point, the target feature layer, the method by which m-values are obtained, and a multiplier if you need to convert units.
TheTemplate From FeaturebuttonunderNewcreates a feature template for a selected layer with the attribute values from a selected feature on the same layer. On the ribbon, click theEdittab. In theManage Editsgroup, clickManage Templates Alternatively, clickManage Templatesin theCreate Featurespane. ...
Create a route using theDirectionspane, oradd an existing route layerto a map. In theLayerspane, select the route layer if it is not already selected. Configure the route by doing any of the following to the route layer: ClickOptions ...
Extent of a Layer —The extent will be based on an active map layer. Choose an available layer or use theExtent of data in all layersoption. Each map layer has the following options: All Features—The extent of all features. Selected Features—The extent of the selected features. ...
ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x Documentation--Tool(二)--Create a new feature layer 创建一个新的要素图层 1.概念 1)developer dashboard:The developer dashboard is the ArcGIS Developers administration website used to manage API keys, monitor service usage, create and manage layers, API downloads,...
本文簡要介紹 python 語言中 arcgis.mapping.MapImageLayer.create_dynamic_layer 的用法。 用法: create_dynamic_layer(layer) 返回: FeatureLayer 或無(如果未啟用) create_dynamic_layer 方法創建一個動態層。動態圖層/表格表示由ArcGIS 服務器發布的Map服務或已注冊工作空間的單個圖層/表格。僅當Map圖像圖層支持...
In thegetDataStoremethod, get the selected feature layer from the map using the configuration information. getDataStore: function() { var def = new Deferred(); var layer =; ... }, Query all features from the feature layer. ...
FeatureCollectionLayerFromPortal::FeatureCollectionLayerFromPortal(QObject* parent /* = nullptr */): QObject(parent), m_map(new Map(BasemapStyle::ArcGISOceans, this)) { Portal* portal = new Portal(this); m_portalItem = new PortalItem(portal, featureCollectionItemId, this); ...
You can also rebuild layers within your scene layer if there have been any changes made to the features in the feature layer. For example you might have a dataset of POIs throughout California and add or delete locations too. You can go under the settings tab of the scene layer item and...