I have a need to create KPI in power bi. i import KPI model from tabular which looks like this. total 6 KPI. how to create KPI that link to my main data table? i have uploaded a pbix file, link https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjpB2wk5YDY3hwObjTB22ZdetGwb?e=UwyIVA Can ...
kpi lineChart lineClusteredColumnComboChart lineStackedColumnComboChart map multiRowCard pieChart pivotTable PowerApps pythonVisual qnaVisual ribbonChart scatterChart scriptVisual shapeMap slicer stackedAreaChart tableEx textbox treemap waterfallChart
您也可以使用資料橫條或 KPI 圖示,或以作用中網頁連結的形式表示儲存格值。 您可以將條件式格式設定套用到任何文字或資料欄位,只要以具有數值、色彩名稱或十六進位代碼或 Web URL 值的欄位上的格設定式為依據即可。若要套用條件式格式設定,請在 Power BI Desktop 或 Power BI 服務中選取 [資料表] 或[矩陣]...
在多行卡中,Power BI 将拉入卡的第一个度量值。 目前不支持多地理位置。 在仪表和 KPI 磁贴中,Power BI 将拉入值,但不是拉入目标值或仪表中的最小值或最大值。 在具有多个度量值列的表中,Power BI 选择行中的第一个度量值。 更多问题?尝试参与 Power BI 社区。
You can enhance your diagram by adding data graphics, which helps you visualize shape data on the diagram. In effect, you can turn your diagram into a process dashboard in which the data graphics display Key Performance Indicator (KPI) information using data graphics icons based on your shape...
KPI visuals Line charts Paginated report visuals Maps Azure Maps in Power BI Matrix visuals Power Apps visuals R visuals Create Power BI visuals with R Download and use R-powered Power BI visuals Radial gauge charts Ribbon charts Scatter, bubble, and dot plot charts ...
<string, KPIResourceHealthDetails> Health details of different KPIs lastBackupErrorDetail ErrorDetail Error details in last backup lastBackupStatus LastBackupStatus Last backup operation status. Possible values: Healthy, Unhealthy. lastBackupTime string Timestamp of the last backup operation on ...
Unlock effective KPI reporting with our guide. Learn how to create actionable KPI reports and track progress towards your organization's goals.
4.8 Create a card and KPI visualization9m 4.9 Create slicers6m 4.10 Explore the filter pane3m 4.11 Edit interactions between visuals5m 4.12 Create bookmarks9m 4.13 Explore the structure of a pbix file1m 5: Enhancing the experience in the Power BI Serv...
The data I intend to use are in the same column, not a separate one. The column I require contains 1000 rows with distinct fields; I only need certain fields to be displayed as a KPI in the card view. Message 9 of 11 235 Views 0 Reply jgeddes Super User ...