Geocode digital photos (including RAW) and tag images with latitude and longitude coordinates. Add Watermarks or write the geolocation to the EXIF or IPTC headers (lossless). Export the georeferenced photos to Google Maps, Google Earth (KML or KMZ), Ma
Report sections with different Wi-Fi map types and their attributes. Wi-Fi coverage report language (Spanish, English, German, or French) A report can be generated in two different formats: as a Microsoft Word document, or as a KMZ file, for viewing on Google Earth. The selection of the ...
currFileType === 'application/' ? false : currIsWorldfile, markerCoordinates, activePalettes, );, '_blank'); 3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion 3 web/js/containers/toolbar.js Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -21,7 +...
Check if desktop Google Earth Pro open or not, if not, open it 3. Create a list of names of the KMZ files in the folder (KMZ file name is the ticket number) 4. Loop through the above list 5. Get ticket numbers from each item of the name list, copy it to clipboard 6. Create ...
public void testKMZ() { MimeType result = null; // get The MimeType from Format try { result = MimeType.createFromFormat("application/"); } catch (MimeException e) { assertTrue("Format not found", false); } // Ensure it is not null assertNotNull(result); //...
and coordinate systems, e.g. to show property location in SPC (ftUS) or UTM (metric) coordinates in AutoCAD, Google Earth, or ESRI in their correct coordinates. Available export file formats : dxf, shp, kml, kmz, geojson, gml, gpx, mapinfo, dgn, gpkg, sqlite, csv, ods, xlsx. ...
Garmin Custom Map – KMZ (GPS handhelds) Glopus (Pocket PC) Google Earth GPS Sport Tracker Magellan RMP (GPS handhelds) & VantagePoint Maplorer (Windows CE/Windows Mobile) Maverick (Android) Mobile Trail Explorer (J2ME) – single tiles and MTECache file ...
Export Reports to PDF, Word (.docx), Excel (.csv), CSV and KMZ. Pros: Designed for small to medium-sized businesses making it easy to use for less experienced users Automatically identifies best places for access point placement Drawing walls, rooms, and specifying building materials are easy...