Once you have geocoded the digital camera photos, you can create Google Maps, export KML or KMZ files to Google Earth, upload geotagged photos to Flickr, export ESRI shapefiles, export AutoCAD DXF files, export to Microsoft MapPoint, or GPX files or or e
Description:The base of the flagpole on Liberty Island. Address: Zip: Lat/Long:40° 41' 26.08" N 74° 2' 44.49" W Range: Tilt: Heading: KML Filename: Icon:white circlewhite squarered circlered square Download Method:application/kmlapplication/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml kmlRaw XML in XML ...
Geocode digital photos (including RAW) and tag images with latitude and longitude coordinates. Add Watermarks or write the geolocation to the EXIF or IPTC headers (lossless). Export the georeferenced photos to Google Maps, Google Earth (KML or KMZ), Ma
The Google API provide the possibility to get LAT-LON coordinates from post addresses, and that was what I needed. What Problem Does this Solution Solve? This program helps to create Your own Google Map, with .kml file. Not necessary to create own maps point by point, You can create a...
For this task I use GPSBabel, a great little donateware utility, to generate the Google Earth KML files from GPX files created by Garmin Mapsource. The procedure for creating the GPX files from Mapsource is detailed in the next section. GPS waypoints and associated photos to Google Maps Let...
So I managed to get a couple of KML files from our market intelligence peeps, converted to JSon file format and imported it without a hitch. The only thing that surprised me is that I was expecting the custom maps to function as overlays on a map. I want to have our markets to overla...
Waymark relies on input from it's users, thank you to everyone for providing feedback :) Built on the shoulders of giants, thank you! Screenshots 1. Add Overlays (Markers, Lines and Shapes) to create detailed interactive Maps. You can import/export from GPX/KML/GeoJSON. 2. Every Overlay...
Make maps of ANYWHERE From Paris to Tokyo, Montreal to Bamako... More information Make it PERSONAL Add icons, labels, a title, and more...More information Add a ROUTE or TRAIL From your GPS to your map. Upload a KML or GPX file in one click. Or create your own route!
Add a Photo Add notes Choose a Parent Folder Show on Main Map Edit/Reposition - change the icon and/or color or change the position Guide Me Export the Waypoint as a GPX or KML file Open Driving Directions with Google Maps Delete iOSAndroid...
the participants will need for each stop and whether there are enough opportunities to rest in between. Be sure to cycle the tour once beforehand and take a watch with you. Are the cycle paths safe, where is a good place to take a break and which things are easy to spot from the ...