1. Xero Xerolets you easily create a budget using their Budget Manager feature. You can choose your start date for any budget, and prepare a budget of 3, 6, 12, or 24 months. Xero also allows you to compare any created budget to actual totals,...
2022ꎬ 42(2): 183-190 http: / / www.guihaia-journal.com DOI: 10.11931 / guihaia.gxzw202104014 李健星ꎬ 谭艳芳ꎬ 李冬兴ꎬ 等. 基于转录组的不同火龙果品种抗性差异分析 [ J] . 广西植物ꎬ 2022ꎬ 42(2) : 183-190. LI JXꎬ TAN YFꎬ LI DXꎬ et al. Resistance ...
SHEN Wen⁃Hui, OU Zhi⁃Yang, PANG Shi⁃Long, HE Qin⁃Fei, LIANG Yan (694) Plasticity of Alternanthera philoxeroides in response to three karst habitats ……… ZHANG Bao⁃Cheng, PENG Yan, ZANG Ling⁃Fei, QIN Kai⁃Nan, LI Xian⁃Bi, SUI Chang⁃Ling (702) Effects of diff...
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,2000,44(4):351—359. [2] RONG Xiao-ying. Quality Comparison of HP Indigo to Offset Lithography[C]// NIP25 and Digital Fabrication,2009:478— 480. [3] ISO 16067-1:2003,Photography-Spatial Resolution Mea- surements of Electronic Scanners for ...
salt-alkaliandbarrentolerance.Itisoneoftheimportantconstructive speciesinrockydesertareas,andhaspositiveeffectsonpreventingsoildesertificationandmaintainingeco- system balanceindesertareas.Meanwhile,asararerelictspeciesoftheancientMediterraneanxerophytic florainthedesertregionofcentralAsia,ithasveryimportantscientificvalue...
资料 显示我 国 目前 已知的外来人侵植物达 380种 之多 (Xie等 , 2000),紫茎泽 兰 (Eupatorium adenophorum),薇苷 菊 (Mikannia micrantha),水花生 (Alteranathera philoxeroides),水葫芦 (Eichhornia crassioes),互 花米 草(Spartina alterniflora)等 外来 植物的入侵 已经 对我 国的生 物 多样性 ,...
1936. Pertusariaceae in Rabenhorst's Kryp— togam en-Flora yon Deutschland, 6sterreich und der Schweitz[M,1.Ed.2,9 Band,5 Abt.,1 Tel1.Leipzing,687 — 699. Oshio M . 1968. Taxonomical Studies on the Family Per— tusariaceae of JapanEJ-1.Journal of Science Hiroshima U- niversity,...
5. 内蒙 古旱蓠 Artemisia xerophytica Kraseh. in Not. Syst. Herb. Ⅱ oft. B0t. pe~rop. 3 :24. 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 广西植物 l2卷 新 疆南 部新 分布记载 !产诺 羌,生 长在海拔2,700米 荒漠 与半 荒漠 地区,新 疆北部 ,西 北其它省区及 内蒙 古等都有 ....
2021ꎬ 41(11): 1875-1881 http: / / www.guihaia-journal.com DOI: 10.11931 / guihaia.gxzw202008010 于玲玲ꎬ 宁德生ꎬ 符毓夏ꎬ 等. 尖尾枫化学成分及其抗炎活性研究 [ J] . 广西植物ꎬ 2021ꎬ 41(11) : 1875-1881. YU LLꎬ NING DSꎬ FU YXꎬ et al. Chemical constituents ...
平潭岛外来植物 79 科 160 属 211 种,这些外来 植物中,一部分为归化植物,如,空心莲子草( Alter⁃ nanthera Philoxeroides) ,皱果苋( Amaranthus viridis) , 落葵 ( Basella alba) , 北美独行菜 ( Lepidium virgini⁃ cum) , 蓖麻 ( Ricinus communis ) , 赛葵 ( Malvastrum coromandelianum) ,...