ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specifiedor timeout expired; 如果目标表上正在建立索引(create index),此时DML操作会被阻塞; 总结:直接create index必须确定目标表没有DML操作,或者停业务情况下建立索引。 1.2 create index online 如果目标表有DML操作,并且没有提交,此时使用online会等待提交后...
Oracle create index online 1.1create index 如果目标表有DML操作,并且没有提交,此时创建索引报错 ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specifiedor timeout expired; 如果目标表上正在建立索引(create index),此时DML操作会被阻塞; 总结:直接create index必须确定目标表没有DML操作,或者停业务情况下建...
1.1create index 如果目标表有DML操作,并且没有提交,此时创建索引报错 ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specifiedor timeout expired; 如果目标表上正在建立索引(create index),此时DML操作会被阻塞; 总结:直接create index必须确定目标表没有DML操作,或者停业务情况下建立索引。 1.2create index on...
create index t1 on test(id) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified 2. 加online这个参数,这个参数加上以后,除了create过程中index 保持online状态,Oracle还会在create index之前等待所有DML操作结束,然后得到DDL锁,开始create. SQL> create index t1 on test(id) on...
create index idx_test_name on test(name) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified 不加ONLINE关键字直接报错。 SQL> create index idx_test_name on test(name) online; 加上ONLINE关键字之后发现执行该语句卡住了。
create index abook2_idx on abook2(name) 不行 显示这个.. ORA-00054: 资源正忙, 但指定以 NOWAIT 方式获取资源 回答 建议重启服务,环境问题 ---
SQL> create index test123_i 2 on test123(owner); create index test123_i on test123(owner) ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified 当然如果可以建立索引的话你会看到如下 回话148建立索引,查看其锁TM为模式4及模式S SQL> select * from v$lock where sid in ('139','148')...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: DataPump Import (IMPDP) Reports ORA-39083: Object Type INDEX Failed To Create With Error: ORA-0005
SQL>createindext1ontest(id); createindext1ontest(id) * ERRORatline1: ORA-00054:resourcebusyandacquirewithNOWAITspecified 2.加online这个参数,这个参数加上以后,除了create过程中index保持online状态,Oracle还会在createindex之前等待所有DML操作结束,然后得到DDL锁,开始create. SQL>createindext1ontest(id)...
ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found Create the index like this and there will be a exception said the index is duplicated: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX W_AP_XACT_F_U1 ON W_AP_XACT_F (INTEGRATION_ID ASC,DATASOURCE_NUM_ID ASC) ...