创建物化视图需要有 CREATE TABLE 权限。更多有关 OceanBase 数据库权限的详细介绍,请参见 Oracle 模式下的权限分类。语法CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW view_name [column_list] [table_option_list] [partition_option] [refresh_clause] AS view_select_stmt; column_list: (column_name [, column_name ...]) ...
[USING INDEX [schema.]index] [COMMIT SCN scn | TIMESTAMP expr]; ``` 以下是`CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG`语句中常用的参数: - ON [schema.]master_table:指定要为其创建物化视图日志的主表。 - WITH [PRIMARY KEY] | [ROWID] | [OBJECT ID]:指定用于识别表中行的唯一键。可以选择使用主键(PRIMARY...
/*1、不允许创建默认index。 2、如果不指定,则默认是using index,可以显示调用using index来设置index的initrans和STORAGE参数*/ REFRESH /*1、如果fast、complete和force都未指定,则默认是refresh force。 2、在1的基础上,如果on commit和on demand都未指定,则默认是refresh force on demand*/ --FAST /*1、快...
CREATE TABLE,CREATE VIEW, andCREATE INDEXfor information on these privileges Oracle Database Advanced Replicationfor information about the prerequisites that apply to creating replication materialized views Oracle Data Warehousing Guidefor information about the prerequisites that apply to creating data warehousi...
Oracle的物化视图是包括一个查询结果的数据库对像,它是远程数据的的本地副本,或者用来生成基于数据表求和的汇总表。 物化视图存储基于远程表的数据,也可以称为快照。 物化视图是一种特殊的物理表,“物化”(Materialized)视图是相对普通视图而言的。 普通视图是虚拟表,应用的局限性大,任何对视图的查询,Oracle都实际上...
问题2:报错:ORA-01723: zero-length columns are not allowed。 原因是用了select '' as aa这种格式的语法。需要把这个''转换一下。 使用: 1CAST(nullASVARCHAR2(10)) 替代'' 错误的语句: 1select''astestfromaa 正确的语句: 1selectCAST(nullASVARCHAR2(10))astestfromaa ...
CREATE/ALTER/DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON [schema.] tablename [ Physical_Attributes_Clause] [TABLESPACE tablespace] [STORAGE Storage_Clause] Creates a materialized view log, which is a … - Selection from Oracle SQL: the Es
In write heavy applications this can put too much stress on the database. It would be nice if queries could apply changes in an MV log to a stale MV while running a query. Oracle Database 12.2 makes this possible with Real-Time Materialized Views....
You may have created a spatial index or CONTEXT/CTXCAT index on the Materialized View after it was created, but attempted to drop the MView before that index had been dropped. Once the DROP MVIEW command fails, dropping the index does not correct the issue....