AWS Account Management 參考指南 PDF 焦點模式 此頁面是否有幫助? 是 否 提供意見回饋 本文為英文版的機器翻譯版本,如內容有任何歧義或不一致之處,概以英文版為準。 所以此CreateAccountAPI 操作僅可用於由AWS Organizations服務。API 操作在該服務的命名空間中定義。
針對AWS 帳戶根使用者 啟用虛擬 MFA 裝置 (主控台) 啟用AWS 帳戶根使用者 (控制台)的硬件 TOTP 令牌 變更密碼 重設遺失或忘記的根使用者密碼 建立根使用者的存取金鑰 刪除根使用者的存取金鑰 需要根使用者的任務 疑難排解根使用者問題 相關資訊 使用者 新增使用者 控制使用者對主控台的存取 IAM 使用者如何登入...
1. the AWS registration page and select {1 in the upper right corner Language, 2 My account, 3AWS Management console, jump to the registration page 4 Create a new AWS account (Log in directly with AWS account:Root user email address) (找开AWS注册网页,https:/...
A user is an identity (within your AWS Account) with unique security credentials that can be used to access AWS Services. IAM eliminates the need to share passwords or access keys, and makes it easy to enable or disable a User's access as appropriate. IAM offers you greater flexibility, c...
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name account-provision-toolkit --template-body file://AccountCreationToolkitInstall.yml --parameters file://parameters.json --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --region=cn-north-1 --profile $Your_Profile Upload your bootstrip template to "InitialS3BucketName...
Step 1. Create a new IAM user Let's create a new IAM user who would be allowed to interact with services in your AWS account as an administrator. The AWS allows us to choose if the new user should be granted aProgrammatic access, orAWS web console access. The permissions to a user ...
A directory is a key building block that allows you to manage the users to whom you want to grant access to AWS resources and applications.AWS Identity and Access Management(IAM) provides a way to create users that can be used to access AWS resources within one AWS account. However, many...
An AWS account with privileges to createAWS Identity and Access Management(IAM) roles and policies. For more information, seeOverview of access management: Permissions and policies. Latest version ofAWS Cloud Development Kit(AWS CDK) withbootstrappingalready done. ...
The AWS Region (eu-west-1) The AWS account ID (123456789012) All log groups in this account (*) The completeResourceelement of the second statement is:arn:aws:logs:eu-west-1:123456789012:* I also created a third statement to allow access to CloudWatch Logs so...
Deploy CloudWatchAutoAlarms AWS Lambda Function -CloudWatchAutoAlarms.yaml Prerequisites Ensure you have access to the AWS account where you want to automate alarm creation. Confirm that you have the necessary permissions to: Create IAM roles and policies. ...