history_table_name [, DATA_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = { ON | OFF } ] ) ] } Arguments database_name The name of the database in which the table is created. database_name must specify the name of an existing database. If not specified, database_name defaults to the current database. The...
history_table_name [, DATA_CONSISTENCY_CHECK = { ON | OFF } ] ) ] } 引數 database_name 新建資料表的所在資料庫名稱。 database_name 必須指定現有資料庫的名稱。 如果未指定,database_name 會預設為目前的資料庫。 目前連接的登入必須與 database_name 指定的資料庫中現有使用者識別碼有關聯,且...
In Fabric SQL database, the created history table isn't mirrored to Fabric OneLake.To create the current table as a memory-optimized table, see System-versioned temporal tables with memory-optimized tables.Create a temporal table with a default history table...
After this user-defined history table is created, the temporal table is created specifying the user-defined history table as the default history table.Notiz SQL Server documentation uses the term B-tree generally in reference to indexes. In rowstore indexes, SQL Server implements a B+ tree. ...
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX index1 ON database1.schema1.table1 (column1); 使用唯一约束创建非聚集索引并指定排序顺序 SQL 复制 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index1 ON schema1.table1 (column1 DESC, column2 ASC, column3 DESC); 主要方案:从SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 和 SQL 数据库开始,可针对列存储索引使用非...
Azure Synapse Analytics 和 Analytics Platform System (PDW) 目前不支援唯一條件約束。 任何參考唯一條件約束的範例僅適用於 SQL Server 和 SQL Database。如需索引設計指導方針的詳細資訊,請參閱 SQL Server 索引設計指南。範例:在資料表或檢視上建立非叢集索引 SQL 複製 CREATE INDEX index1 ON schema1.table1...
{ <collation_name> | database_default } ] [ FILETABLE_PRIMARY_KEY_CONSTRAINT_NAME = <constraint_name> ] [ FILETABLE_STREAMID_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME = <constraint_name> ] [ FILETABLE_FULLPATH_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME = <constraint_name> ] [ SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON [ ( HISTORY_TABLE = ...
Create a SYSTEM VERSION temporal table The system version temporal tables were introduced in SQL Server 2016. These tables are special types of tables used to keep the history of the data modification. You can use them to analyse the data at a specific point in time analysis. ...
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX index1 ON database1.schema1.table1 (column1); 使用唯一约束创建非聚集索引并指定排序顺序 SQL 复制 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index1 ON schema1.table1 (column1 DESC, column2 ASC, column3 DESC); 主要方案:从SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 和 SQL 数据库开始,可针对列存储索引使用非...
The partitioned snapshot process cannot complete. Cannot retrieve the maximum timestamp information from the MSsnapshot_history table in the distribution database. Ensure that a standard snapshot is up-to-date and available. Msg 206...