Invoice::create(array('client'=>'Client A','number'=>1,'date'=> date('2014-01-10'),'country'=>'Canada')); Invoice::create(array('client'=>'Client B','number'=>2,'date'=> date('2014-01-11'),'country'=>'USA')); Invoice::create(array('client'=>'Client C','number'=>3...
Companies must submit Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) returns to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) based on self-assessment of imported goods. If you import taxable supplies, you must assess the value of the goods, calculate the G...
Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Iceland India Italy Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Russia Spain Local functionality in the Spanish version GST GST reports Report 340 Create report 340 Report 347 Create report 347 Report 349 Create...
5. Click on the Create button. 6. Fill in the fields shown above: Field name (mandatory field) Enable the checkbox to mark it as mandatory Select the custom field type: text box, numbers, or multiple drop menu a) If you select number: enter the decimal precisions and default value b)...
on a commercial invoice is typically optional, however in some cases it may be required. For instance, for theNew Zealand low-value goods law, any registered company with a GST number will need to declare on the commercial invoice that the GST will be remitted and list their GST number. ...
Companies must submit Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) returns to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) based on self-assessment of imported goods. If you import taxable supplies, you must assess the value of the goods, calculate the GST/HST amount due, and submit the to...
Companies must submit Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) returns to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) based on self-assessment of imported goods. If you import taxable supplies, you must assess the value of the goods, calculate the ...
Companies must submit Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax (GST/HST) returns to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) based on self-assessment of imported goods. If you import taxable supplies, you must assess the value of the goods, calculate the ...
Ianvteerraegstei)n.gIlny,tethreresteinbgidlyd,ertshr(tehee bciadndtoenrso(ftGheracuabnütnodneno,f InGnrsaburbuücnkdaennd, GInrnaszb)reuvceknaanrdguGerdazi)netvheenirafregauseibdiliintythsetuirdfieeassitbhialitttyhsetruedwieosuthldatbtehneroecwosotuflodrbtaexnpoacyoesrtsf(onrotnax-Opa...
This paper presents a method for integrating data acquired by unmanned surface vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles. The aim of this work was to create a uniform bathymetric surface extending to the shoreline. Such a body of water is usually characteriz