It will open up a dropdown, select the OAuth Client ID. In the next screen, you will have multiple Application Type for the applications which use OAuth ID. You must select the Application Type as Web Application. You will see new options below, start with the Name of your Application. ...
$client->setClientId(Config::get('')); $client->setClientSecret(Config::get('')); $client->setRedirectUri(Config::get('')); $client->addScope(array('profile','email')); $oauth2 =ne...
Récupérer les identifiants client Comprendre les points de terminaison OAuth Demander des jetons et des codes Personnaliser les jetons et les codes Révoquer et approuver des jetons Révoquer des jetons en fonction de l'ID de l'utilisateur final et de l'ID de l'application Révoquer et app...
SA_CLIENT_ID,SA_CLIENT_EMAIL,SA_PRIVATE_KEY_PKCS8,SA_PRIVATE_KEY_ID,EMPTY_SCOPES); assertTrue(credentials.createScopedRequired()); } 代码示例来源:origin: googleapis/google-auth-library-java @Test publicvoidcreateScopedRequired_nonEmptyScopes_false()throwsIOException{ ...
Navigate to the Google Developers Console. If you haven't created a project before, select Credentials in the left tab, and then select Create. In the left tab, click Credentials. Click Create credentials then OAuth client ID. In the Create Client ID dialog, ...
"description": "Google BigQuery connection with basic authentication", "auth": { "specName": "Basic Authentication", "type": "OAuth2.0", "params": { "project": "{PROJECT}", "clientId": "{CLIENT_ID}, "clientSecret": "{CLIENT_SECRET}", ...
createAndStoreCredential(googleTokenResponse, userId); HttpRequestFactory requestFactory = transport.createRequestFactory(credential); GenericUrl url = new GenericUrl(""); HttpRequest request = requestFactory.buildGetRequest(url); String...
"name": "Google Ads base connection", "description": "Google Ads base connection", "auth": { "specName": "Basic Authentication", "params": { "clientCustomerID": "{CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID}", "loginCustomerID": "{LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID}", ...
Create Api key (API_KEY) ; In Key restriction select iOS, enter your iOS app bundle id; Save Create Oauth 2.0 Cient ID (CLIENT_ID) add three scopes for Google APIs: "", "", "https://www.googlea...