01 - MB01 - Goods Receipts for Purchase Order 02 - MB31 - Goods Receipts for Prod Order 03 - MB1A - Goods Issue 04 - MB1B - Transfer Posting 05 - MB1C - Enter Other Goods Receipt 06 - MB11 For movement indicator, you can check domain KZBEW. - Goods movement w/o reference B - ...
BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE-mvt_ind(Domain:KZBEW) - Movement Indicator * Goods movement w/o reference * B - Goods movement for purchase order * F - Goods movement for production order * L - Goods movement for delivery note * K - Goods movement for kanban requirement (WM - internal only) ...
* Goods movement w/o reference * B - Goods movement for purchase order * F - Goods movement for production order * L - Goods movement for delivery note * K - Goods movement for kanban requirement (WM - internal only)* O - Subsequent adjustment of "material-provided" consumption...
BAPI2017_GM_ITEM_CREATE-mvt_ind(Domain:KZBEW)-MovementIndicator *Goodsmovementw/oreference *B-Goodsmovementforpurchaseorder *F-Goodsmovementforproductionorder *L-Goodsmovementfordeliverynote *K-Goodsmovementforkanbanrequirement(WM-internalonly) *O-Subsequentadjustmentof"material-provided"consumption *W-Sub...
01-MB01-Goods ReceiptsforPurchaseOrder* 02 - MB31 - Goods Receipts for Prod Order* 03 - MB1A - Goods Issue* 04 - MB1B - Transfer Posting* 05 - MB1C - Enter Other Goods Receipt* 06 - MB11** Domain: KZBEW - Movement Indicator* Goods movement w/o reference* B - Goods movement fo...
Complete reference documentation for the Stripe API. Includes code snippets and examples for our Python, Java, PHP, Node.js, Go, Ruby, and .NET libraries.
Complete reference documentation for the Stripe API. Includes code snippets and examples for our Python, Java, PHP, Node.js, Go, Ruby, and .NET libraries.
* Domain: KZBEW - Movement Indicator * Goods movement w/o reference * B - Goods movement for purchase order * F - Goods movement for production order * L - Goods movement for delivery note * K - Goods movement for kanban requirement (WM - internal only) * O - Subsequent adjustment of...
Goods movement w/o reference 无参考资料的货物运输 B - Goods movement for purchase order 采购订单的货物移动 F - Goods movement for production order 货物移动为生产订单 L - Goods movement for delivery note 货物运交单 K - Goods movement for kanban requirement (WM - internal only) 基于看板要求的...
Learn a reference for version 1 (v1) of the Database Movement application programming interface (API) for creating database exports.