1. 运行时环境 用ABAP Objects表示ABAP运行时的环境,意味着SAP系统本身也逐步趋向以面向对象的方式实现,并将进一步“面向对象”化。引入面向对象后的ABAP Workbench由不同的开发工具组成,而且使用功能模块本身也可以实现特定功能代码的封装。Business Object Repository(BOR,商业对象仓库)则允许用户创建SAP商用对象,供系统...
5,967 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi, i created a function group and by default got one TOP include and one UXX include.. now at the end, i want to add one more like LZxxxxF01. how to create this include ?? thksReply...
185 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Above function module can't be created. It will be created when we create and activate lock object in SE11. Enqueue_<Lockobject name> - To lock the key DEqueue_<Lockobject name> - To release the key Please check. Arivazhagan S Reply All...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, goto tcode se37 and select in the menu as GOTO->FUNCTION GROUPS->DISPLAY GROUP.one window will come there u can enter the function group name.then in the next screen click on main program button.then activate that program and L<fun grp name>TOP...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Kiran, function modules are members of function groups. In SE80, choose object type function groups, enter name, create. Then rigth mouse-click on group name in tree, create function. enter name and interface fields as required. enter source code as re...
原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP ABAP BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE创建采购申请 回到顶部 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 回到顶部 正文部分 最近一个开发,在eban里追加了字段, 调用bapi赋值总是赋不进去 后来发现找的结构名称不对, ...
(1) 使用 OData 服务创建新图书的 url:https://{{host}}:{{port}}/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZBOOK_MANAGE_SRV/BookCollection, HTTP 请求类型选择为 POST. 这里的双重大括号 {{}} 包裹的语法是使用 Postman Environment 里定义的变量,在本步骤之前的文章 6. 使用 Postman 工具高效管理和测试 SAP ABAP OData 服...
所以,最后,solution方案就是通过一个ABAP操作Job,当然有数据的传递,使用SAP Memory. 一. JOB相关信息 例如,作为例子,我们需要一个job:去执行ZTEST_JOB_STEP1与ZTEST_JOB_STEP2这两个ABAP程序。 ZTEST_JOB_STEP1的程序: REPORT ZTEST_JOB_STEP1. PARAMETERS: p_user type sy-uname....
CALL FUNCTION ‘BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT’. mb31 移动类型122: CLEAR lw_body2. REFRESH lt_goodsmvt_item. CLEAR:lw_goodsmvt_headret,lw_materialdocument,lw_matdocumentyear,lw_goodsmvt_item. LOOP AT gt_body2 INTO lw_body2 WHERE gz <> ‘Y’. ...
CALL FUNCTION 'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP' EXPORTING i_tab_raw_data = it_raw i_filename = p_flname TABLES i_tab_converted_data = t_filecc. ENDIF. " IF p_flname CS ' XLS' OR p_flname CS ' xls' DO head TIMES. DELETE t_filecc INDEX 1. ENDDO.ENDFORM.FORM...