"yes": enables the long file name function. "no": disables the long file name function. security_style=? Security style supported by a file system. The value can be "NTFS" or "UNIX", where: "NTFS": NTFS security style. "UNIX": UNIX security style. unix_permissions=? UNIX permis...
Normally we use the"cat" commandto read the contents of a file; however, we can also use this command to create a new file. Let's see how. To create a new file, run the "cat" command and then use the redirection operator ">" followed by the name of the file. Now you will be...
Thetouchcommand creates a file only if it does not already exist. If the directory contains a file with the same name,touchwill not overwrite the existing file but will update the timestamp. 2. cat Command Thecat commandis used to output the contents of a file, several files, or even p...
"yes": enables the long file name function. "no": disables the long file name function. security_style=? Security style supported by a file system. The value can be "NTFS" or "UNIX", where: "NTFS": NTFS security style. "UNIX": UNIX security style. unix_permissions=? UNIX permis...
Step 1. Locate a Unix socket file On the server host in the command line, run the following command: mysql -u root -p -h -e "select @@socket" Type a password for your root user and press Enter. Step 2. Check the Unix socket connection from the command line In ...
Command 1: zip -r filename.zip folder Command 2: zip -r filename.zip folder1 folder2 Command 3: zip -r filename.zip /path/to/folder1 /path/to/file2 Create Zip Using GUI Simple, select the files and folders you wish to Zip. Then, right click on to them and select Compress. Now...
Open a PowerShell window and navigate to the directory containing the Dockerfile. Then run the following commands:Copy docker login docker build -t helloworldapp . This command builds the new image using the instructions in your Dockerfile, naming (-t tagging) the image helloworldapp. To ...
## Git push using HTTPS git push --set-upstream https://gitlab.example.com/namespace/nonexistent-project.git master You can pass the flag--tagsto thegit pushcommand to export existing repository tags. Once the push finishes successfully, a remote message indicates the command...
Use this command: dd if=$INPUT-FILE of=$OUTPUT-FILE bs=$BLOCK-SIZE count=$NUM-BLOCKS To create a big (empty) file, set $INPUT-FILE=/dev/zero. Total size of the file will be $BLOCK-SIZE * $NUM-BLOCKS. New file created will be $OUTPUT-FILE. Share Improve this answer Follow ...
Assigns theBE_descriptionto a BE.BE_descriptioncan be a text string or other characters that can be entered on a Unix command line. Seeludesc(1M)for additional information on BE descriptions. -cBE_name Assigns the nameBE_nameto the current BE. This option is required only when the first ...