You can delete files found in your Files section in any of these ways:In the studio, select the ... at the end of a folder or file. Make sure to use a supported browser (Microsoft Edge, Chrome, or Firefox). Use a terminal from any compute instance in your workspace. The folder ~...
In Visual Studio Code, open thepackage.jsonfile. At the bottom of the file, above the last curly bracket (}), add the following code. This code creates the start and build scripts. JSON {"scripts": {"start":"snowpack dev","build":"snowpack build"} } ...
Once again this issue returns in version 1.32.1 of Visual Studio Code and prevents people from following the instructions provided on for setting up debugging. For example, the instructions at https://code.visualstudio.c...
You can create a new JavaScript application for Node.js from within Visual Studio Code using a terminal window. Thenpm init -ycommand creates a new file, namedpackage.jsonin the application folder. This file contains metadata that you use to describe your application for the Node.js runtim...
Deploy the Bicep fileYou can deploy the Bicep file with Azure PowerShell or Azure CLI.From a Visual Studio Code terminal session, connect to Azure. If you have more than one subscription, run the commands to set context to your subscription. Replace <subscriptionID> with your Azure ...
When I use the menu or hotkey to open a Terminal, nothing happens and I get the following error message displayed in the lower right of the editor: Unable to start terminal process: CreateProcess failed I'm on an enterprise Windows 10 ma...
Ive tried reinstalling everything and trying to import dotnet through the terminal. I have also just gotten off of customer support and reinstalled visual studio their way, and i now have the ability to open my old projects, however i am immediately greeted with a new error code. I ...
In the terminal, make sure you’re in the repository root (<working_folder>\azure-sql-db-django) that contains the app code. Run the belowaz webappcommands: az webapp upcreate a webapp and deploy code from a local workspace to the app. Python apps are created asLi...
If you have an existing CMake project that already has aCMakeLists.txtfile in the root directory but no CMake presets, you can skip toCreate aCMakePresets.jsonfileto configure your project with CMake presets. Otherwise, create a folder for a new project. From the Terminal window, create...
You may want to install additional software in your dev container. Once VS Code is connected to the container, you can open a VS Code terminal and execute any command against the OS inside the container. This allows you to install new command-line utilities and spin up databases or applicati...