The file declares a linode_instance resource that deploys a Linode using a StackScript. Notice that all argument values use interpolation syntax to access variable values. You will declare the variables next and provide the variable values in the root module’s terraform.tfvars file. Usi...
Create a directory in which to test the sample Terraform code and make it the current directory. Create a file namedproviders.tfand insert the following code: Terraform terraform{ required_version =">=0.12"required_providers { azapi = { source ="azure/azapi"version ="~>1.5"} azurerm = ...
To create any of the Azure Cosmos DB resources below, copy the example into a new terraform file ( or alternatively, have two separate files for resources ( and variables ( Be sure to include the azurerm provider either in the main terraform file or split ..., add the following content: resource"alicloud_ram_access_key""ak"{ user_name = secret_file ="accesskey.txt"# Save the AccessKey file name.} Run theterraform applycommand to create the AccessKey pair. ...
terraform apply main.tfplan Key points:The example terraform apply command assumes you previously ran terraform plan -out main.tfplan. If you specified a different filename for the -out parameter, use that same filename in the call to terraform apply. If you didn't use the -out parameter,...
terraform apply main.tfplan Key points:The example terraform apply command assumes you previously ran terraform plan -out main.tfplan. If you specified a different filename for the -out parameter, use that same filename in the call to terraform apply. If you didn't use the -out parameter,...
terraform importdoes not create "outputs" entry in state file after importing resources#30778 Closed alekspickleopened this issueMar 31, 2022· 5 comments alekspicklecommentedMar 31, 2022• edited Terraform Version terraform v1.1.7 terraform-aws-provider v4.5.0 ... ...
SMB AD ACL NFS NAS ACL 日志管理 资源组 公共错误码 版本说明 CLI集成示例 SDK参考 通过Terraform创建文件系统 资源编排ROS集成示例 服务支持 首页文件存储NAS开发参考API参考指南API目录文件系统CreateFileSystem - 创建文件系统 CreateFileSystem - 创建文件系统 ...
SMB AD ACL NFS NAS ACL 日志管理 资源组 公共错误码 版本说明 CLI集成示例 SDK参考 通过Terraform创建文件系统 资源编排ROS集成示例 服务支持 首页文件存储NAS开发参考API参考指南API目录文件系统CreateFileSystem - 创建文件系统 CreateFileSystem - 创建文件系统 ...
- Installed aliyun/alicloud v1.214.1 (verified checksum) Terraform has created a lock file .terraform.lock.hcl to record the provider selections it made above. Include this file in your version control repository so that Terraform can guarantee to make the same selections by default when you ...