本文将详细解释createfeatureclass_management方法中的template参数。 第一部分:了解createfeatureclass_management方法 createfeatureclass_management方法是arcpy模块中的一个函数,用于在地理数据库中创建要素类。该函数有多个参数,其中一个是template参数。在继续讨论模板参数之前,让我们先了解一下createfeatureclass_management...
Workspace; Feature Dataset Feature Class Name The name of the feature class to be created. String Geometry Type (Optional) Specifies the geometry type of the output feature class. Point—The geometry type will be point. Multipoint—The geometry type will be multipoint. ...
}privatevoidbutton1_Click(objectsender, EventArgs e)//Create Feature Class,两种方法,第一种调用GP工具就行了,第二种自行实现{stringFileGDBPath ="C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\beijingLightWeight.gdb\\";stringfilename ="well1"; IGeoProcessor2 gp=newGeoProcessorClass();//设置gp.OverwriteOutput...
import arcpy arcpy.CreateUnRegisteredFeatureclass_management( r'Database Connections\Connection to Organization.sde', "New_FC", "POINT", "", "DISABLED", "DISABLED") Environments Current Workspace, Output CONFIG Keyword Licensing information Basic: Yes Standard: Yes Advanced: Yes Related topics An ...
The optional configurationKeywordparameter allows the application to control the physical layout for this table in the underlying relational database management system (RDBMS) or file geodatabase—for example, in the case of an Oracle database, the configuration keyword controls the table space where...
Domain Management API 查询应用的域名配置信息 新增应用的域名配置信息 查询域名修改次数/配置上限 下载域名配置文件 Testing API 新建测试版本 添加软件包 更新测试版本 更新测试生效版本 更新有效期内的测试版本时间和额度信息 提交测试版本 新增测试群组 查询测试群组列表 删除...
Create Fishnet (Data Management) Summary Creates a fishnet of rectangular cells. The output can be polyline or polygon features. Learn more about how Create Fishnet works Usage The coordinate system of the output can be set by either entering a feature class or layer in theTemplate Extent...
System dynamic management views System functions System information schema views System stored procedures System tables Transact-SQL (T-SQL) Reference Transact-SQL (T-SQL) Reference Date & time hierarchyid methods (database engine) Numeric String & binary Spatial geography & instances (geography Data ...
If data file name is not specified, SQL Server usesdatabase_nameas both thelogical_file_nameand as theos_file_name. The default path is obtained from the registry. The default path can be changed in theServer Properties (Database Settings Page)in Management Studio. Changing the default path...
This must be a valid Azure regionId.') param regionId string @description('See documentation on tags: https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/tag-resources.') param tagsArray object @description('Source of Azure Resource Manager deployment') param requestSource string ...