$activeSheet->setCellValue('A'. $row,'Итого:')->setCellValue('B'. $row, count($this->campaign->news) .' новостей')->setCellValue('C'. $row,$this->campaignReportData ?$this->campaignReportData['clicks'] +$this->campaignReportData['fake_clicks'] :0);$this->fo...
We've ordered two beds, after weeks of waiting, we asked about our delivery, they kept us waiting, excusing, delivereing new reasons for the delay, providing fake traking tool for our order, etc etc...- all this was a fake! they never shipped anything!I should have been come here ...
I don’t know what kind of games apple or this fake Sprint Spectrum PCS group tec scams for at&t is trying to pull, but my phone never needed a credit card. So please tell me if I’m missing something. Reply Tariqul Islam January 28, 2019 at 8:19 AM Fine. Works for me Reply...
Create a test class to verify the BankAccount class. You can use the UnitTest1.cs file that was generated by the project template, but give the file and class more descriptive names. Rename a file and class To rename the file, in Solution Explorer, select the UnitTest1.cs file ...