create external table person( id int, name string, hobbies ARRAY <string>, address MAP <string, string>) PARTITIONED BY(dt string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' COLLECTION ITEMS TERMINATED BY '-' MAP KEYS TERMINATED BY ':' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' STORED AS TEXTFILE LOCA...
create table t7_partition ( id int ) partitioned by (dt date comment "date partition field"); load data local inpath '/opt/data/hive/hive-t6.txt' into table t7_partition; FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10062]: Need to specify partition columns because the destination table is partitioned...
語法:[schema_name.] table_name EXTERNAL 使用 中LOCATION提供的路徑定義數據表。 PARTITIONED BY 依指定的數據行分割數據表。 數據列格式 SERDE使用 子句來指定一個數據表的自定義 SerDe。 否則,請使用DELIMITED子句來使用原生 SerDe,並指定分隔符、逸出字元、Null 字元等等。
1. 创建分区表create external table if not exists table1(col1 string,col2 string)partitioned by (state string,country string)row format delimited fields terminated by ',' store as ORC;2. 分区表中插入数据2.1. 静态分区表静态分区表在向表中插入数据时要指定对应分区INSERT OVERWRITE table1 (O...
-- Create partitioned table > CREATE TABLE student (id INT, name STRING, age INT) PARTITIONED BY (age); -- Create a table with a generated column > CREATE TABLE rectangles(a INT, b INT, area INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (a * b)); -- Create an external table conn...
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tableName PARTITIONED BY (ingestiondatetime BIGINT, recordtype STRING) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serd2.avro.AvroSerDe' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.i...
(global_partitioned_index::=, local_partitioned_index::=—part of CREATE INDEX, index_attributes::=, domain_index_clause and XMLIndex_clause: not supported in using_index_clause) index_attributes::= Description of the illustration index_attributes.eps (physical_attributes_clause::=, logging...
CREATE EXTERNAL HADOOP1 TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table-name element-listLIKEtable-name23COMMENTstring-constantPARTITIONED BY partitioning-element-listROW FORMATdelimited-row-formatserde-row-formatSTORED AS file-formatSTORED BYstorage-handlerLOCATIONstring-constantTBLPROPERTIES(,string-constant1=string-constant2)as...
CREATE TABLE public.new_table_2 AS SELECT * FROM public.src_table WHERE a = 1 ; 从分区父表或者子表复制出一张新的非分区表,分区表只能复制成非分区表。 准备一张分区表、分区子表以及表数据。 BEGIN; CREATE TABLE public.src_table_partitioned ( "a" int NOT NULL, "b" text , PRIMARY KEY ...
COMMENT'任务子表天快照表'PARTITIONEDBY(`dt` STRING) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATEDBY'\t'STOREDASTEXTFILE ; If you add the option IF NOT EXISTS, Hive ignores the statement in case the table already exists. On successful creation of table, you get to see the following response: ...