CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"; 4. 检查依赖和冲突 虽然uuid-ossp是一个广泛使用的扩展,但在极少数情况下,它可能与数据库中的其他组件存在冲突,或者由于缺少依赖项而无法正确加载。然而,这种情况相对罕见,并且通常会在创建扩展时通过错误消息明确指示。 5. 查看日志和错误消息 如果以上步骤都无法解...
op.execute('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";') op.create_table('account_integrates', sa.Column('id', postgresql.UUID(), server_default=sa.text('uuid_generate_v4()'), nullable=False), sa.Column('account_id', postgresql.UUID(), nullable=False), @@ -790,4 +792,6 @@ de...
permission denied to create extension "uuid-ossp" Cant seem to find how to set this permission. PostGres Rookie here. full error $ dotenv knex migrate:latest Knex:warning - migration file "20170101000000_initial.js" failed Knex:warning - migration failed with error: CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT ...
首先 sudo -u postgres psql postgres 进入数据库后输入命令 ALTER USER mydb_user WITH SUPERUSER; (把某个用户设置为超级用户) 原帖:
公益是一辈子的事, I am digoal, just do it. 阿里云数据库团队, 擅长PolarDB, PostgreSQL, DuckDB,...
我不知道问题似乎是什么,但是这个knex迁移失败了。尽管我刚开始编写迁移,但我坚信这个迁移文件是正确的。最初,这些迁移函数位于单独的文件中,当时我认为它失败了,因为文件不是同步执行的,这导致我编写了一个文件。('CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp"'); await knex.schema.withSchema('meraki').<e ...
Install the contrib package that includes the uuid-ossp extension. This module is used to generate the UUIDS that Tableau Server uses for keys in the database. Initialise the PostgreSQL instance. Step 1: Configure your PostgreSQL Instance
此文档主要描述Postgre数据库,基于Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 的操作系统上安装Postgre...
我通过删除create extension if not exists uuid_ossp;并在表中添加default random_uuid()而不是default...
fix: uuid-ossp extension create failed in pgsql 9873717 takatost linked an issue May 15, 2023 that may be closed by this pull request 安装失败 #8 Closed takatost merged commit 2e1cd3d into main May 15, 2023 takatost deleted the fix/migrate-failed-by-uuid-ext branch May 15, 2023...