CreateTaskExportTask - 外呼历史导出 DescribeTenantBindNumber - 租户下的实例绑定号码情况 ListAllTenantBindNumberBinding - 租户绑定的号码列表 GenerateUploadUrl UploadScriptRecording - 【废弃】上传话术录音 DownloadScriptRecording - 下载录音(获取录音地址) ListScriptRecording - 查询录音文件列表 DeleteScriptRecordi...
Creates an export task so that you can efficiently export data from a log group to an Amazon S3 bucket. When you perform a CreateExportTask operation, you must use credentials that have permission to write to the S3 bucket that you specify as the destination. ...
Example1 Creating a Log Export Task 5. Developer Resources SDK Command Line Interface 6. Error Code 1. API Description Domain name for API request: This API is used to create a download task. To get the returned download address, call DescribeExports to view the tas...
For more information, see Create a full export task. Incremental export tasks are used to export all or selected types of data objects that are modified after a specific date. For more information, see Create an incremental export task. Note You cannot configure a blacklist for incremental ...
cdn:CreateUserUsageDataExportTasknone *All Resources * none none Request parameters ParameterTypeRequiredDescriptionExample StartTimestringYes The start of the time range to query. The data is collected every 5 minutes. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format...
CreateUsageDetailDataExportTask - 创建用量明细数据导出任务,CDN:调用CreateUsageDetailDataExportTask创建用量明细数据导出任务,将详细用量生成Excel文件用于下载。 下表是API对应的授权信息,可以在RAM权限策略语句的Action元素中使用,用来给RAM用户或RAM角色授予调
Import-Export API Import-Export API List Export Tasks Get Export Task Data Create Activity Export Task Create Crash Export Task Create Errors Export Task Create Events Export Task Create Jobs Export Task Create Sessions Export Task Create Tags Export Task Create Tokens Export Task Create Campaign Exp...
SharePoint Workflow Actions– Represents a “task” or a “step” in the workflow. For example, “Send an Email” is a SharePoint workflow action. SharePoint Workflow Conditions– Similar to a decision shape in a flowchart, where a flowchart path is dependent...
使用BTSTaskExportApp 命令仅将业务流程程序集导出到名为 CreateApplicationSamplePartial.msi 的 .msi 文件中。 该操作是通过向 ResourceSpec 参数提供 ResourceSpecPartial.xml 执行的。 ResouceSpecPartial.xml 是随本示例提供的 ResourceSpecComplete.xml 的已编辑版本。 已对该文件进行编辑,使其仅包含对业务流程程序...