It's recommended to use a framework to build apps with React Native,learn more. Deprecated Create a new Expo project withcreate-expo-appinstead: #Usage for bun, npm, pnpm, and yarn$ npm create expo $ bun create expo $ pnpm create expo $ yarn create expo#Output help information with all...
When I executes 'npx create-expo-app App3' in order to create a react native project the App.js file won't create it gives a different template without the App.js file. I've tried manually creating the App.js file and executing it but it doesn't work, I think...
比如地图、摄像头之类的。这些东西多还是用react-native init的方法创建吧。反之就用Expo?这个实话只是看...
【克隆WhatsApp】 Create a WhatsApp Clone in React Native - Mobile App Guide 2022-10共计38条视频,包括:1. Intro video (from course landing page)、3. What is Expo、4. Creating our project!等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
npm错误!命令“/usr/bin/nodejs”“/usr/bin/npm”“install”“--save-dev”“--save-exact”“react-native-scripts” npm错误!cwd/Home/Pithani/Project npm错误!节点-V V0.10.25 npm错误!NPM-V 1.3.10 npm错误!代码E404 npm http 200 npm错误...
$ npm i -g create-react-native-app $ create-react-native-app my-project $ cd my-project $ npm start 命令行中会输出如下界面,我们可以在 Expo 移动端应用中扫描二维码,即可以开始远程调试: 我们也可以选择使用 Expo 的桌面端辅助开发工具XDE,其内置了命令行工具与发布工具,同时支持使用内部模拟器: ...
react-native init projectName create-react-native-app project app 环境配置比较:第一种方法要求的开发环境比较繁杂,需要 node / watchman / jdk / android sdk,android studio / xcode 等等。第二种可以摆脱android studio 和 xcode ,只要在手机上安装expo client就可以开发, 当然你也可以在android studio 和 ...
Tried to guess the docs homepage for expo-wallpaper-module; add it under the "homepage" entry in package.json /Users/sahilverma/Desktop/Sahil Verma/Coding Projects/Personal/React Native/Expo/Packages/expo-wallpaper-module/node_modules/expo-module-scripts/bin/expo-module-configure: line 19: pushd...
# Next.jsnpxcreate-next-app@latestmy-app# React Router v7 (基于Vite)npxcreate-react-router@latest# Expo (移动应用)npxcreate-expo-app my-app# 使用 vitenpmcreatevite@latestmy-app-- --template react 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...