CREATEEVENT[IFNOTEXISTS]event_nameONSCHEDULE scheduleDOevent_body 1. 2. 3. 4. IF NOT EXISTS是可选的,用于判断事件是否已经存在,如果存在则不会创建新的事件。 event_name是事件的名称,需要保证唯一性。 schedule是事件的执行计划,可以指定事件的执行时间间隔。 event_body是事件的执行内容,可以包括一组SQL语句。
ALTEREVENT event_nameON COMPLETION PRESERVE ENABLE; 【删除事件】 DROPEVENT [IF EXISTS] event_name 【注意】:要使用定时器,MySQL的常量GLOBAL event_scheduler必须为on或者是1. 【范例】 1. 每天凌晨1点开始执行数据更新: CREATEEVENT [IFNOTEXISTS] E_testEvent_1 ONSCHEDULE EVERY 1DAYSTARTS DATE_ADD(DATE...
LIKE. Replication of CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ... SELECT follows somewhat different rules; see Section, “Replication of CREATE TABLE ... SELECT Statements”, for more information. CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS is always replicated, whether or not the event named in the statement ...
CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTSis always replicated, whether or not the event named in the statement already exists on the source. CREATE USERis written to the binary log only if successful. If the statement includesIF NOT EXISTS, it is considered successful, and is logged as long as at least ...
CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTSis always replicated, whether or not the event named in the statement already exists on the source. CREATE USERis written to the binary log only if successful. If the statement includesIF NOT EXISTS, it is considered successful, and is logged as long as at least ...
event_package_nameis the package that contains the action object. action_nameis the action object. Actions appear in thesys.dm_xe_objectsview as object_type 'action'. WHERE <predicate_expression> Specifies the predicate expression used to determine if an event should be processed. If <predicate...
逻辑运算符的优先顺序是 NOT(最高),然后是 AND,最后是 OR。 权限 需要CONTROL SERVER 权限。 示例 下例说明了如何创建一个名为 test_session 的事件会话。此示例添加了两个事件并使用 Windows 事件跟踪目标。 复制 IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.server_event_sessions WHERE name='test_session') DROP EVENT ...
if the object exists There is an inconsistency with DROP DATABASE|TABLE IF EXISTS and CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS:DROP IF EXISTS statements are binlogged even if the DB or TABLE does not exist, CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS are binlogged even if the event exists. whereas CREATE DATEBASE|...
SQL Server allows for multiple triggers to be created for each DML, DDL, or LOGON event. For example, if CREATE TRIGGER FOR UPDATE is executed for a table that already has an UPDATE trigger, an additional update trigger is created. In earlier versions of SQL Server, only one trigger for...
How to wait for event to finish execution? How to work out the difference of two numbers in SQL table. How to write a sql query to remove non-printable characters in a column but keeping the carriage return? How to write a trigger to update uniqueidentifier field? How to write EXEC in...