现在的问题是运行连接程序的时候报错: panic: OCIEnvCreate error goroutine 1 [running]: http://github.com/mattn/go-oci8.init.0() /Users/yuyang/work/go/src/http://github.com/mattn/go-oci8/globals.go:152+0x517 exit status 2
runnerw.exe: CreateProcess failed with error 216 (no message available) 看描述,创建进程失败,应该是main这个入口文件的问题。 检查包名。发现问题,IDE自动将包名导成了当前的目录名(模块) 解决方案 代码语言:javascript 复制 packagemain 修改包名,改成main 注:一个model下只能有一个main ,分享自作者个人站点/...
println(result) panic("OCIEnvCreate error") foolmackycommentedMar 6, 2022 Hi, I encounterd a similar situation. In my case, the reason is combination of OS and golang. Here is golang's issue. golang/go#49138 At first, golang v1.16.12(not accurate) on macOS monterey, an error occu...
gorm mysql驱动程序不应该在没有版本检查的情况下启用WithReturning。这是一个错误,应该报告给hem。
golang运行报错:runnerw.exe: CreateProcess failed with error 216 (no message available) 在运行go文件时,你是不是也遇到这种问题了? 导致这个问题的有两种情况: 第一种就是packag不是main,单文件运行,要确保package是main,还有个main函数,是程序的主入口。 第二种就是运行的GOOS不是你本系统的,比... ...
The golang version I am using is go1.20.5 windows/amd64 I define function following: `func batchInsert(batchSize int, arrStruct []interface{}, tableName string) error { totalStructs := len(arrStruct) numBatches := (totalStructs + batchSize - 1) / batchSize for i := 0; i < num...
gorm mysql驱动程序不应该在没有版本检查的情况下启用WithReturning。这是一个错误,应该报告给hem。
runnerw.exe: CreateProcess failed with error 216: This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need a x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software pub...
In this article we show how to create HTTP requests with net/http in Golang. An http client sends HTTP requests and receives HTTP responses from a resource identified by an URL. $ go version go version go1.22.2 linux/amd64 We use Go version 1.22.2. ...