在此封存中讀取或寫入項目名稱時要使用的編碼方式。 只有當需要編碼以與 Zip 封存工具和程式庫互通,且這類工具和程式庫不支援項目名稱使用 UTF-8 編碼時,指定此參數的值。 例外狀況 ArgumentException sourceDirectoryName或destinationArchiveFileName為Empty,只含有空白字元,或者含有至少一個無效字元。
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.dll 创建zip 存档,该存档包含指定目录的文件和目录。 重载 展开表 CreateFromDirectory(String, Stream) 在指定的流中创建 zip 存档,其中包含指定目录中的文件和目录。 CreateFromDirectory(String, String) 创建zip 存档,该存档包含指定目录的文件和目录。
What if my zip file is empty?Depending on your device's operating system, you may receive error messages that the contents of your zip files are empty. This error message typically occurs when you change the default program for downloading and extracting these files on your device. To avoid ...
If the directory is empty, an empty archive is created. Use this method overload to specify the compression level and whether to include the base directory in the archive. If a file in the directory cannot be added to the archive, the archive is left incomplete and invalid, and the ...
converting .cs class file to .vb class file Converting a physical path to Virtual path & vice versa Converting Empty string data into integer variable Converting html to image, how? converting memory stream to PDF and sending as attachment Getting File is damage or either corrupted when opening...
Easy. Click on the download as zip button in any repo. Expected behavior The fully concluded zip file. Actual behavior Empty zip file. Gets created, but its size is 0 bytes. Relevant logs and/or screenshots No relevant logs created. ...
publicSystem.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntryCreateEntry(stringentryName); 參數 entryName String 指定要建立之項目的名稱的路徑 (相對於封存的根目錄)。 傳回 ZipArchiveEntry Zip 封存中的空項目。 例外狀況 ArgumentException entryName為Empty。 ArgumentNullException ...
如何使用Zip模块解压项目目录rawfile中的文件至应用的沙箱目录中 手机的“/data/storage/el2/base/haps/entry/files/”绝对路径在哪 如何实现文件不存在则创建文件 如何解决文件的中文乱码问题 如何修改沙箱路径下json文件的指定内容 沙箱路径的说明,以及如何获取沙箱路径 如何将像素点保存到图片文件 应用从...
converting .cs class file to .vb class file Converting a physical path to Virtual path & vice versa Converting Empty string data into integer variable Converting html to image, how? converting memory stream to PDF and sending as attachment Getting File is damage or either corrupted when opening...
Create empty arrays with the computed width and height, one for the orthophoto images and the other for the ortholabels. Get orthomosaicImages = zeros([height width 3],like=I); orthomosaicLabels = zeros([height width 1],like=I); Compute the Transformed Orthophotos and Ortholabel...