Check out the most thorough guide on the course development process. All you need to create a course is PowerPoint and a little inspiration!
Check out the most thorough guide on the course development process. All you need to create a course is PowerPoint and a little inspiration!
Easygenerator simplifies and speeds up course creation 12x. Try the #1 best e-learning authoring tool for free and start creating today.
Why you should build a course outline for your e-learning (and how) BLOG Easygenerator teams up with Acolad to expand localization options webinar Is AI your solution to creating better e-learning? BLOG Product update: June 2023 E-learning Toolkit: The ultimate resource for learning managers eb...
Would an eLearning course make your life much easier when it came to onboarding new employees? You can create a custom eLearning course, specifically made to meet your training needs. We lay out the six steps every successful eLearning project follows and then share 25 of our favorite free...
Enhance your e-learning platform with an AI virtual assistant ! Quickly answer questions about courses, resources and technical issues. Offer personalized support and smooth learning experience with our integrated extension. Why your online course needs an app? Students love eLearning Apps Education is...
Let’s explore 5 ways learning and development (L&D) teams cancreatethe winning best customer-centric strategy for the business. 5 Ways L&D Leaders CanCreatea Customer-Centric Strategy for the Organization.Creatinga customer-centric culture requires a thorough understanding of the target market and...
So, you’ve created what you think is an engaging, immersive and valuable eLearning course. You invested lot of time and effort into its development, and you naturally want to know if you’ve hit a home run. Does it provide the educational experience you had hoped for? The only way to...
Individuals can easily engage with a community through an eLearning course. You can set ranks and contact attendees through email with the Odoo 15 eLearning module. The eLearning dashboard displays all courses in your database. In the Kanban view, the user can see the course name, the numbe...
Weinschenk explains thatthe brain naturally focuses on things that are new, interesting, or directly relevant. If an eLearning course is too predictable or boring, learners will tune out. Studies in neuroscience also show that when people get bored, they don’t retain much information, wh...