How to create a DXF File for Laser etching/engraving with Fusion 360 Hello, I need help creating a .dxf file for the laser cutting shop please. I have successfully made many files for plain laser cutting but this time I want to have text (numbers) laser ...
In the case you designed the logo on paper, like I did, you need to digitize the logo. I used the CAD program Fusion 360 for this process, but you can use any program, which can create a dxf-file. In Fusion 360, I first create a new part and create a new sketch. First off, ...
I wrote a script already that imports a pile of DXF files separately. Now, what I would like to do is create a rectangle of fixed size around the *individual sketch* origin, not the origin of the entire project. I am having 2 issues: 1) I can't create another point translat...
如何从 Fusion 中的设计创建可以打印或导出的二维工程图。在程序中用于创建工程图的工具位于何处? 按照以下步骤从三维设计中创建二维工程图: 打开设计。 从环境菜单 ->“设计”中选择“工程图”。 在“创建工程图”对话框中选择所需的选项。 可以从完整的部件或单个零部件/实体创建工程图文...
CNC routers have proven to be invaluable tools in the creation of custom signage and lettering, offering a blend of precision, versatility, and efficiency. Their ability to work with a variety of materials, produce intricate designs, and ensure consistent quality makes them ideal for applications ...
Select the OUTPUT drop-down on the toolbar ribbon and select the preferred output format. See Also: Fusion Drawings Learning Page Create drawing views Component is not displayed in drawing in Fusion How to export Fusion Drawings Create a base view How to import a DXF i...
I might give this a try later if I can find/create a suitable DXF... Best Regards, Rachael Reply Report 0 jorge_garcia 03-01-2017 09:14 AM Hi Samy,I'm with Rachael on this one. Definitely as time goes on we will integrate more and more with Fusion360, however the bette...
So, if you delete it, you don't get the error, but you can only import the entire DXF (vs. selecting objects or filtering by layers). Hence, I reinstalled it, and put up with the error message. ToddProduct Design Collection (Inventor Pro, 3DSMax, HSMWorks)Fusion 360 / ...