Docker must be installed. That's it. You do not need a Java JDK or Maven installed. Usage and Demo Step 1: Create the Docker image according to Dockerfile. This step uses Maven to build, test, and package the Java application according to pom.xml. The resulting image is 87MB in size...
You can try the application locally by running: java -jar target/my-starter-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 4. Build a Docker image Next, create the docker image that will start the Vaadin application JAR and make it available on port 8090. For this, create a file named Dockerfile with the...
docker build -t hsf-provider:1.0.0 . Run thedocker images | grep <Image tag name>command to view the local compiled image. Upload the image to an image repository You can upload the image that is locally created for your Java application to Container Registry provided by Alibaba Cloud. Fo...
"docker", "DeletionProtection": true, "EnableAutoscale": true, "InstanceAdvancedSettings": { "DataDisks": [ { "AutoFormatAndMount": true, "DiskSize": 500, "DiskPartition": "xxx", "DiskType": "CLOUD_BSSD", "FileSystem": "xfs", "MountTarget": "/var/lib/docker" } ], "Taints":...
Verify your IoT Edge device uses the correct version of the IoT Edge agent when it starts. Find theDefault Edge Agentsection and set the image value for IoT Edge to version 1.5. For example: toml [agent]name="edgeAgent"type="docker"[agent.config]image="
have a working Mac OSX or Linux developer machine. If you don't want to manually create the voting application, you candownload the source code for the completed applicationand skip ahead toWalk through the voting sample application. Also, consider following theQuickstart for Java reliable ...
With on-demand mode, you are charged for data reads and writes that your application performs on your feature group. You do not need to specify read and write throughput because Feature Store accommodates your workloads as they ramp up and down. You can switch a feature group to on-demand...
POST/ HTTP/ Content-Type:application/json X-TC-Action:CreateClusterInstances <Common request parameters> {"ClusterId":"abc","InstanceAdvancedSettings": {"MountTarget":"abc","DockerGraphPath":"abc","UserScript":"abc","Unschedulable":0,"Labels": [ {"Name":"abc...
用的是 example里的standalone-mysql-8.yaml,只是mysql8的数据库换成了自己搭建的,刚开始都能用,但是一段时间后nacos会无法使用,之后重启就一直报数据库连不上,数据库连接数只有100多,最大100000,已经第三次删库重建了。。。,docker-compose如下: version: "3.8" s
(Legacy) Migrating to Docker running on Amazon Linux 2 (Legacy) Docker GlassFish containers Working with Go QuickStart for Go Development environment The Go platform Procfile Buildfile Proxy configuration Working with Java QuickStart for Java