这是使用了CreateProcess方法的一个过时用法,那就是在此方法的lpApplicationName参数里面传入将要启动的进程路径,在第二个参数lpCommandLine里面传入的是C:\Windows\notepad.exe命令行参数 以下是CreateProcess方法签名 BOOLCreateProcessW([in, optional] LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, [in,out, optional] LPWSTR lpCommand...
static extern bool CreateProcess([In] string lpApplicationName, [In] string lpCommandLine, [In] IntPtr lpProcessAttributes, [In] IntPtr lpThreadAttributes, [In] bool bInheritHandles, [In] uint dwCreationFlags, [In] IntPtr lpEnvironment, [In] IntPtr lpCurrentDirectory, [In] in STARTUPINFOW...
uint32 Create( [in] string CommandLine, [in] string CurrentDirectory, [in] Win32_ProcessStartup ProcessStartupInformation, [out] uint32 ProcessId ); 参数 CommandLine[in] 要执行的命令行。 系统将向命令行添加一个空字符,并在必要时剪裁字符串,以指示实际使用的文件。
Note: In place of YourDirectoryPath below, enter your specified destination path. For example, if you want to create a folder on the Desktop,type cd desktopand press Enter. cd YourDirectoryPath Step 3: Now that you are in the destination directory, type the below command and pressEnter. N...
(use command line)TEXT("notepad.exe"),// Command lineNULL,/ Process handle not inheritableNULL// Thread handle not inheritableFALSE,/ Set handle inheritance to FALSE0/ No creation flagsNULL,/ Use parent's environment blockNULL/ Use parent's starting directory&si,/ Pointer to STARTUPINFO ...
\Downloads" Import-MDTApplication -Path "DS001:\Applications\Microsoft" -Enable "True" -Name $ApplicationName -ShortName $ApplicationName -CommandLine $CommandLine -WorkingDirectory ".\Applications\$ApplicationName" -ApplicationSourcePath $ApplicationSourcePath -DestinationFolder $ApplicationName -...
Create sites by using a command-line operation If you are an administrator, you can create sites by using the createsites command and parameters. For more information, see Central Administration Help and the Windows SharePoint Services Tech Center. Create sites programmatically If you are a develop...
Step 1: Open Command Prompt First, search for “Command Prompt” in the “Startup” menu and open Command Prompt as administrator: Step 2: Open Directory In the next step, specify the path in the “cd” command to open the preferred directory where you want to create and save an empty...
Note:By default, new top-level sites and their site collections are created in a sites directory that is based on the server path. For example, the URL for a site called Site_A would be: http://server_name/sites/Site_A/default.aspx. By default, the path name is called /sites, alth...